The questions that have been looming at the thoughts of many African theologians for
years have been: How can the Christian faith be made to be at home in Africa, in such a
way that it harmo
nizes with African beliefs and practices, thus becoming the religion of
the African people? What is the relationship between African traditional religion and
culture with the Christian faith? Does being a Christian mean that I should distance
myself from m
y traditional religious and cultural heritages? It is from this background
that Igwebuike theology emerges as an African theology
posting that effort towards
evangelization must begin from the understanding of the African worldview and the
incorporation of such in the processes of the communication and learning of the Christian
faith. This work presented the theology of African typo
logy (
di, meaning type, kind or
nature) within the context of Igwebuike theology
with a view to creating a balance in the
midst of the conflicts between Christianity and African religion and culture by
connecting the events of the New Testament to events
and persons in African traditional
religion and culture. This connection is such that the events, persons, realities, etc., in
African traditional religion and culture find meaning and fulfillment in the New
Testament Scriptures. The
Igwebuike theology of
di has created an aperture for further
dialogue of culture with faith. It provided a deeper meaning and wider capacity for the
application of the concept
‘typology’. It has contributed to the continuous search for
better ways of making the Christian fai
th feel at home in Africa, and also making it
possible for the redemption of the African culture through its interaction with faith. For
the purpose of this study,
the Igwebuike theoretical framework
which emphasizes
beginning from and valuing what is kno
wn, and using what is already known as a
stepping stone to get to the unknown
was adopted