The Movement of the „Burning Bush” in Apologetically
Following the historical context of a very hard period in the Romanian
Orthodox Church, the communist period, our research has some important
directions regarding the apologetically specific of the Movement of the
“Burning Bush”. Starting with the Christian journalism of Nichifor Crainic,
who phonated the Periodic “Gândirea”, the passion for the dialogue between
theology and culture had grown up. Therefore, we remember here the direct
implication of Sandu Tudor, a very important cultural presence in
Bucharest. After two or three visits in the Holly Mont Athos, Sandu Tudor
decided to enter in monasticism. From this point he created the Movement
of the “Burning Bush” at “Saint Antim” Monastery from Bucharest. The
program was based on discussions and prayer. In this concern we can
remember here the presence of the Father Ioan Kulaghin. Anoter very
important member of the Movement was Alexandru Mironescu. His entire
work was confiscated and burned by the communists. His implication
denotes that we can speak about the dialogue between theology and science.