Conflicts and social tensions have become perennial in global discourse. These conflicts
and tensions were fostered through violence and non-violence. They also appear in
different dimensions which include political, social, economic, and religious. They occur
as a result of conflicts, values, needs, opinions, and other related instances. The aftermath
of resolved conflict is peace and tranquility which yields a positive result of development
and fosters unity. In this paper, we x-ray Jesus Christ’s philosophy of non-violence from
the perspective of the resolution of conflicts and social tensions. We also expose that most
philosophers of peace and non-violence in conflict resolution rely on and make
enormous, resolutions rely on and make references to Christ’s philosophy of nonviolence. Advocates of non-violence examined in this paper are Leo-Tolstoy Gandhi,
King Jr, and others who had variously refer to Christ as the bastion of nonviolence
philosophy. These philosophers had articulated and remedied oppression, racial
discrimination, man’s inhumanity to man, bigotry, tribalism, and related social tensions.
From the strings of this paper, we hold firm to the submission that, Christ’s philosophy
of non-violence serves as the foundation of resolution of conflicts and social tensions
across the globe.