The Archetypal World of Nikola Tesla (2010), written by Prof. Dr. Ivan Nastovic, looks at the scientist Nikola Tesla in the light of the analytical psychology of C. G. Jung. Unlike psychoanalysis, which deals with research of the individual unconscious, that is, what is solely personal, Jung's analytical psychology allows us to comprehend what is found on the other side of the personal. Nastovic discusses several archetypes that shaped Tesla's world. He first points out the importance and the function of the Great Mother archetype and Tesla's white dove in order to fully understand his personality and his work. While introducing the reader to Tesla's opus, Nastovic explains the archetype of light, strongly present in Tesla's personality, the archetypal roots of Tesla's discovery of the rotating magnetic field, and the mysticism of his personality and his creativity. He also looks at Nikola Tesla in light of Hillman's acorn theory.