Theology 9 (19):123-146 (
The present paper examines the role of epistemic virtues in the formation of intellectual
identity and its impact on improving our truth-seeking behaviors. A epistemic virtue is a
special faculty or trait of a person whose operation makes that person a thinker, believer,
learner, scholar, knower, cognizer, perceiver, etc., or causes his intellectual development and
perfection, and improves his truth-seeking and knowledge-acquiring behaviours and places
him on the path to attain understanding, perception and wisdom. Virtue epistemology is a set
of approaches in contemporary epistemology that regards knowledge as "a true belief arising
from humans epistemic virtues." Virtue responsibilism and Virtue reliabilism are two
important approaches to virtue epistemology that differ together in their attitude to the nature
of epistemic virtue. Responsibilisms regards epistemic virtues as an acquired character traits
that must be attained through practice and training with plenty of effort from the agent who
possesses the will. In contrast, virtue reliabilisms considers epistemic virtues as reliable and
innate cognitive faculties, and believes that this natural faculties has been placed in the human
being from the very beginning and, if used in the appropriate condition and in a proper
environment, is reliably truth-conducive. So virtue epistemology, which is distinguished from
belief-based analytical epistemology by focusing on the cognitive character of the agent rather
than the belief, regards epistemic virtues as the constructive factor of the epistemic agent and
the condition of reaching the truth.
From the two approaches of virtue reliabilism and virtue responsibilism, this paper focuses
on the second approach and with using of the nine-fold virtues, that Jason Baehr posed, shows
how to make epistemically good and thinker human by utilizing these virtues and avoiding the
corresponding vices and through this, gained the truth in various epistemic areas. After
explaining these virtues and their role in the two mentioned domains based on the virtue
epistemology, the significance of this relationship in the view of Mulla Sadra as an example
of Islamic philosophy is examined, For the reason that he sees knowledge as the produce of
some factors that epistemic virtues is considered part of them. In the view of Sadra, epistemic
virtues is the specific attributes and traits of reason faculty that their function causes man to
be a very good and strong perciever, and their actual possesion or their gradual acquisition
leads to the perfection of the soul and the dignity of human existence. In a new theory of soul-
Ph.D. Student of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Qom University, Qom, Iran (Responsible author)
Associate Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Qom University, Qom, Iran.
Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Qom University, Qom, Iran.
2/ Comparative Theology, Vol: 9, No: 19, Spring & Summer 2018
knowledge, he considers the journey of the soul from the outset as evolutionary journey, and,
on the other hand, he considers all human activities directly as an activity of the soul
(epistemic agent), which he performs through his own faculties. As a result, the soul is a
increasing and evolving being, while at the same time acquiring knowledge is also from its
own activities, and therefore the factors that make up the soul are also influential in its
products. Now, as knowledge comes from soul exposure to the outside world, the more this
soul is refined from pollutions and adorned to virtues, the better reflection from reality will
Undoubtedly, the desire to engage in the process of truth-seeking and the responsible use
of cognitive virtues and skills lead man to a desirable goal (recognition of truth) and forms his
true intellectual identity. In the end, the paper suggests that because of the importance of
epistemic virtues in the improvement of truth-seeking behaviors, educating and cultivating of
these types of virtues should be part of the spoken and written course content of universities
and schools, and must be proper critical thinking is institutionalized and strengthened in the
spirit of community members. Educational resources contain a wide range of information that
can deeply influence our epistemic behaviors and actions. Hence, it is necessary to include
praised cognitive skills and epistemic virtues training in them. Teachers play an important
role in educating and developing epistemic virtues as part of the formal curriculum content of
educational centers, perhaps as part of critical thinking and logic courses. The formal
education of epistemic virtues and the creation of opportunities for practicing and exercising
them will be a good starting point for institutionalizing and developing admired cognitive
skills among members of the community.
In a society where individuals in their epistemic processes use their own cognitive virtues
and organize their beliefs on their basis, the community itself and the social relations will also
be virtuous, because the necessity of such an virtues is that individuals interact with their
peers and In these interactions, rule virtue. Observing fairness towards others, intellectual
humility, intellectual generosity, courage against miscreant and one who has weak arguments,
observance of neutrality and other epistemic virtues, if it is to be found in societies as a habit
and praised skill, then that society will be virtuous and its relations will be healthier and with
the cultivating of those virtues, Intellectual and moral development will also become easier
and more common. Intellectual virtues (or praised cognitive skills) should be taught to the
community members, so that they display such characteristics when engaging in social
activities, whean expressing opinions, when doing research, and so on. It is important to
change our education policies, because the decay of praised cognitive skills leads to
devastating consequences for intellectual identity and the truth-seeking and knowledgeacquiring
behavior of the community members.