This study investigated the parental involvement in learning Mathematics of students in relation to attitude and academic performance. The respondents of this study were the three-hundred fifty-six grade 9 students at 9 secondary schools in the Division of Bago City. Results showed that most of the respondents were female, belonged to income range Php 12,082 and below, their parents attained high school level, and had other works aside from being mentioned in the option of occupation. Level of parental involvement when taken as a whole was moderate; in terms of its areas, motivator and nature of Mathematics were interpreted as high and resource provider, monitor, Mathematics content advisor, and Mathematics learning counselor were all interpreted as moderate; level of attitude of students towards Mathematics was moderate; academic performance of students was very satisfactory; there existed significant difference on the parental involvement in learning Mathematics in terms of six areas. Results also revealed that there was a significant relationship between parental involvement in learning Mathematics and attitude of students; significant relationship also existed between parental involvement in learning Mathematics and academic performance; significant relationship was also noted between attitude of students and academic performance. Intervention plan/program was also provided based on the results of the study.