This article aims to explore the connection between classical learning and study of governing in Jeong Yak-yong’s thought, by considering ‘achievement investigation 考績’ in Old Lessons of Book of Documents 尙書古訓–his typical work on classical learning, and Testaments on Study of Governing 經世遺表–his representative work of study of governing. In Old lessons of Book of Documents, Jeong Yak-yong analyzes the investigation of officials’ achievements in the interpretations on political activities and thoughts of Yao 堯, Shun 舜, Yu 禹, Gao Yao 皐陶. He points that the achievement investigation is ‘great way’ of Yao-Shun’s politics. This investigation is conducted every three years, and after three times the reward and punishment, the promotion and demotion are carried out. This investigation is applied to all officials in the bureaucracy. The investigation of officials’ achievements is conducted as follows: the mandarin comes before the King and directly reports on his own achievements. After that the King embarks an inspection tour to areas to verify those reports. To Testaments on Study of Governing, the achievement investigation is built into one of the plans for bureaucratic reform. Jeong Yak-yong, based on the achievement investigation recorded in Book of Documents 書經 and Rites of Zhou 周禮, thinks that in the contemporary Joseon, the achievement investigation should be conducted every one year and after three times the reward or promotion should be carried out. In his thought, the achievement investigation must be applied to all officials, not only to the low-ranking ones as the current regulation. Jeong Yak-yong proposes investigation methods applied to central and local officials. In the investigation of local officials’ achievements, Jeong Yak-yong pays a special attention to the investigation of Su-ryeong 守令–the leader of each local area. He proposes the so-called “9 guiding principles” with 54 articles to investigate Su-ryeongs’ achievements. He also states that it is necessary to define the levels in considering the achievements of officials, and the fixed number of officials in each level. After three years (means three times of investigation), each Su-ryeong must return to the capital to directly report his achievements before the King, and after that the court send inspectors to the locality to secretly investigate those reports. Through the changes and development of the achievement investigation from unsystematic arguments (in Old lessons of Book of Documents) to a complete reform plan (in Testaments on Study of Governing), it can be seen the close connection between the classical learning and the study of governing in Jeong Yak-yong’s thought. His classical learning and study of governing themselves are different from ones in Neo-Confucians: his classical learning pays attention to the social ruling issues, and his study of governing itself is comprehensive social reform projects. That practical classical learning provides ideal models – social standards and ruling ways in Yao-Shun era - for that reformist study of governing. And it also provides important theories on human nature, cultivation, politics etc. for the study of governing so that it has a solid ground for the reformist arguments. Moreover, Jeong Yak-yong’s study of governing also relies on the reality (the practical situations) to develop reform plans, thus on one hand, it contains new, practical and rational features, and on the other hand, it makes the classical learning become more realistic.