Objective :This research aims at the constructing a basic perspective on critical thinking in line with
Islamic principles with a brief explanation of such principles.
Methodology :This study uses exegetical methods, by studying the relevant parts of the religious
texts and systemizing the information in a critical way.
Research findings: The research demonstrates that the principles for constructing an Islamic critical
thinking perspective are found in the primary sources of Islam. The knowledge (العلم ;al-'ilm) makes
the core of Islamic critical thinking, and means of such knowledge are the revelation (الوحي;
al-wahy), the use of senses (احلواس ;al-hawas), intellect (reason and heart, القلب و العقل ;al-aql wa
al-qalb), historical experience or testimony (اوالشهادة السياحة ;al-siyahah aw al-shidah), and
meditating on the natural and physical world (الكون ;al-kaun). There are other means such as
prophetic dreams (الصادقة الرؤاي ;al-ruya al-sadiqah), insight (الفراسة ;al-firasah), illumination ( املكاشفة;
al-mukashafah), and inspiration ( االهلام; al-ilham), though they are dismissed to account for any
scholarly opinion or position and thus they remain non-binding according to Shariah. However, they
can be a gift of a genius mind that is extraordinarily critical, helping such minds in understanding
and creativity. Critical thinking includes using many human faculties and the Quran frequently
emphasizes contemplation التفكر ;al-tafakur), reflection (التدبر ;at-tadabbur), understanding التفقه;
at-tafaqquh), and reasoning (التعقل ;at-taakul); and these concepts are the foundations of critical
thinking which could be developed and elaborated in many ways.
Applications: The need of having an Islamic construction of critical thinking is because of the
special worldview of Islam and its conception of knowledge which treats revelation (الوحي ;al-wahy)
as the primary source of belief and knowledge. The findings of the study can be useful in fashioning
a basic curriculum for critical thinking for Islamic educational institutions.