This paper offers a defence of metaphysical naturalism, in the context of the Fine
Tuning argument. Theistic objections to the Multiverse (MV) hypothesis are considered,
specifically the claim that the MV hypothesis commits the Inverse Gambler’s Fallacy
(IGF) and, as per the This Universe Objection (TUO), that it violates the Requirement of
Total Evidence. It is argued that the IGF claim moved the goalposts when it comes to
assessing the validity of the MV hypothesis. The Cosmic Slot Machine analogy will be
used to demonstrate how the This Universe Objection (TUO), fails to adequately
account for the anthropic principle (or selection effect) and how the MV hyptothesis
does satisfy the Requirement for Total Evidence.
With respect to the Naturalistic Single Universe (NSU), the implications of the ex-nihilonihil-
fit principle, for evaluating the epistemic probability of a Life Permitting Universe
(LPU)under the NSU hypothesis, are considered. It is argued that the ex nihilo nihil fit
principle entails that an LPU is not improbable under the NSU hypothesis.