Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského (
The book focuses on some properties of those arguments that appear in discussions on climate change and that occur in the procedures of forming multilateral agreements determining the obligations of the individual actors involved in a multilateral attempt to solve the problem of global warming by eliminate its causes and to neutralize its consequences.
Presented arguments appear at two levels - epistemic (or a level of future activity planning) and executive (a level of plan implementation). At the preliminary, basic level, we encounter arguments (occurring in public opinion or originating from the scientific community), the purpose of which is an attempt: to obtain relevant knowledge of the problem; to offer the plan of problem solution; and to change the beliefs of the potential future actors. At the second level we are facing with arguments appearing at the institutional level, the purpose of which is to direct the actors of multilateral agreements toward a certain type of procedures aiming to meet the previously stated targets.
Multilateral agreements are preceded by presenting arguments purported for the process of negotiating about the objectives, the methods of achieving goals and the ways of determining future obligations for the participants. We will point out the procedural deficiencies of the specific frameworks in which these activities take place. Even the arguments should be a means of overcoming problem obstacles at the way to achieve collective objectives, shortcomings at institutional level significantly relativizes the effectiveness and purpose of these arguments. These deficiencies result in poor determination of the axis sequences of procedural and institutional elements while their inexplicite and indefinitely articulated properties lead to noneffective prerequisites for achieving the targets necessary to address the problem solution of global warming.