Focusing on the notion of consciousness (Gewissen) as a phenomenon originating from Da-sein according to Heidegger's interpretation in the work “Being and Time” (II Part, II Chapter, From section § 55 to section § 60), Prof. Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa, in line with the hermeneutic-phenomenological-ontological-existential principle, investigates the cry of consciousness as a summons of the self in its power-to-be itself, taking into account the Da-sein that cries out deep down of its strangeness as a cry of consciousness in a theoretical-conceptual construction that encloses what cries out and what is ac-claimed within the borders of Da-sein. In this way, analyzing the Da-sein as one who cries out and its being-launched as “already-being-in” and the anguish with its power-being as a call to assume its own power-being, whose movement concludes the care character of Da-sein as an ontological possibility of the cry of consciousness, the article exposes that, constituting care, the being of Da-sein comprises in itself facticity (being- released), existence (project) and decay in a process that points out that Da-sein is as it determines itself as a power-being that belongs to itself as a power-being, which implies that, keeping only the possibility of existing as the being whose responsibility implies being what it is, the Da-sein -sence, existing, consists of the foundation of its power-to-be. Constituting being and being indebted to being designated as care, the cry consists of the cry of care in a construction that points out that the Da-sein is originally reunited with itself in strangeness and whose ac-clamation, converging into a pro-claiming complaint, ends the pro-claiming of possibility as a possibility that, in existing, involves assuming, in itself, the launched being that it is, implying the claim for the being launched in the face of the ought-to-be and the power-to-be in the sense of understanding oneself as the foundation of nothingness to be assumed in existence in a movement that attributes the decision to the most original truth condition of Da-sein.