Though hair loss (alopecia) is not a debilitating or life threatening sickness, the very thought of becoming bald can lead to emotional stress and traumatic experience for those who suffer from premature or excessive hair loss. Many will try anything and everything to bring back their locks. Or at least, some of their once full head of hair. Hair loss sufferers spend billions of dollars annually on remedies ranging from drugs, vitamins to special tonics and shampoos. Conventional treatments of hair thinning includes drugs therapy and hair transplant. Minoxidil and Propecia (Finasteride) are the only two drugs approved by the FDA for hair growth in men. Minoxidil is the only drug available for women with and rogenetic alopecia. These drugs have been proven to show positive results for balding conditions on the vertex region of the scalp. Though these drugs are effective, many are wary of their unknown long-term effect and potential side-effects. This has led to increase interest in alternative remedies such as herbal medicine.