The theory of information and Cybernetics allowed the transcendence of the material
substrata of the human being by thinking it in terms of information units. The whole
material world is reduced to information flows, which are encoded in various forms and
which, by means of algorithms can be processed and reconfigured with a view to
multiple simulation of the physical reality we live in. By applying these codes,
communication and information technologies open the possibility of multidimensional
reconstruction of the body in the virtual environment. With the assistance of technology,
the body becomes a communication interface between the real and the virtual world. As
a communication interface, the body‟s structure is broken down to the core functions and
then telematically reconstructed in the virtual reality as tele-perception, telepresence,
tele-kinaesthesia, etc. The virtual reconstruction of the body not only involves the
transformation of its functions, but also the transformation of the approach of the human
being which now is at the intersection between the real world and the various virtual
worlds generated by technology. The conception of subject centred on selfconsciousness
is thus cancelled, instead appearing the idea of the fluid, unstable subject
who lacks a centre being diffused in a network.