Information flow in a system is a core cybernetics concept. It has been used frequently in Sensory
Psychology since 1951. There, Shannon Information Theory was used to calculate "information
transmitted" in "absolute identification" experiments involving human subjects. Originally, in
Shannon's "system", any symbol received ("outcome") is among the symbols sent ("events").
Not all symbols are received as transmitted, hence an indirect noise measure is calculated,
"information transmitted", which requires knowing the confusion matrix, its columns labeled by
"event" and its rows labeled by "outcome". Each matrix entry is dependent upon the frequency
with which a particular outcome corresponds to a particular event. However, for the sensory
psychologist, stimulus intensities are "events"; the experimenter partitions the intensity
continuum into ranges called "stimulus categories" and "response categories", such that each
confusion-matrix entry represents the frequency with which a stimulus from a stimulus category
falls within a particular response category. Of course, a stimulus evokes a sensation, and the
subject's immediate memory of it is compared to the memories of sensations learned during
practice, to make a categorization. Categorizing thus introduces "false noise", which is only
removed if categorizations can be converted back to their hypothetical evoking stimuli. But
sensations and categorizations are both statistically distributed, and the stimulus that corresponds
to a given mean categorization cannot be known from only the latter; the relation of intensity to
mean sensation, and of mean sensation to mean categorization, are needed. Neither, however, are
presently knowable. This is a quandary, which arose because sensory psychologists ignored an
ubiquitous component of Shannon's "system", the uninvolved observer, who calculates
"information transmitted". Human sensory systems, however, are within de facto observers,
making "false noise" inevitable.