This study aims to investigate the factors that influence the motivation of students attending boarding schools/Islamic boarding schools in Makassar in the use of English and Arabic. The aims of this research are: (1) to find out and investigate the factors that influence students' motivation in using the two languages by focusing on intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The method used is description. The population was taken from several Islamic boarding schools students in Makassar such as Annahdlah Islamic Boarding School, Madina Islamic Boarding School and Ummul Mukminin Islamic Boarding School. In collecting data, the writer uses a questionnaire which is calculated using a Likert scale. The author also uses descriptive statistics based on the approach of Jerremy Harmer and Moslow's theory in analyzing the data obtained. This study found that there are two factors that influence a student's motivation when they use two languages that they already know, namely: intrinsic and extrinsic factors. There are four intrinsic factors in using two languages, namely; physical conditions, methods, teachers, and success. Meanwhile, there are four extrinsic factors, namely integrative, instrumental, punishment, and also parental factors. The results of the overall analysis in this study indicate that extrinsic factors have a greater influence on student motivation in Islamic boarding schools than intrinsic factors. The implication of this research is to be able to provide more descriptions or descriptions to readers, especially to students majoring in English/Arabic Language and Literature about the factors that can influence students' motivation to use English and Arabic that they already know and how they are able to take lessons to increase their own intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.