This publication has the following sections and subsections: Metaphysics and Physics, Metapathologia and Pathologia, Metasolution and Solutions with concret examples. I. In `Metaphysics´ I present general foundations of the world. First, I consider the Absolute and the Relative as primary fundamental dimensions of the world. Second, I differentiate the world in a new way by using language analogies. In `Physics´ I talk very briefly about the connections between metaphysics, religion and physics. II. In `Metapathologia´ I describe the emergence of Pseudoabsolutes and second-rate realities in general and in `Pathologia´ in particular. III. In `Metasolution' I examine the major worldviews to see how far they can serve as a basis for solutions, and in `Solutions' I present first- and second-rate solutions. The examples of psychical, personal, interpersonal and social disturbances are intended to demonstrate the manner in which these phenomena are are related to and determined by metaphysical foundations and how to deal with them.