With the rapid advancement of society, online learning has become more popular in the entire world due to Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic offered almost a total paradigm shift to online teaching and learning across various educational platforms. This paper was aimed at reviewing the teaching and learning changes in higher education during COVID-19 Lockdown using empirical evidence from central universities in India. The study adopted a survey method utilizing an online questionnaire as the primary tool for data collection. The study covered 19 Central Universities in India that are offering Library and Information Science courses. Major findings showed, amongst others, that- most universities provided online classes during the lockdown period; Zoom application was the most utilized for online instructional during the COVID-19 Lockdown; the major difficulty faced by students during the online classes was the lack of internet facilities; the use of webinars in the field of LIS field was considered as an important source of education and learning. Based on these findings, key implications were discussed for the sustainability of LIS teaching and learning in higher education