Cognitive scientists typically explain cognitive processes in groups from the study of the individual. Even researchers who recognize that our cognition is inherently situated and cannot be understood without placing it in a social context take the individual as the starting point for looking at group processes. It is reason for Robert Wilson (2004) to argue for 'group minds'. With this he creates room for the idea that certain group processes cannot solely be explained as the sum of the individual cognitive participants. Marc Slors does not go that far in his article on group identification and cognition. Yet his writing takes important steps toward better understanding group cognition. Broadly speaking, I can agree with the reasoning of the article and agree with the conclusion. But there is an important point missing that must be elaborated if the article is not to fall prey to a fundamental critique. Slors' writing integrates an assumption that is under discussion in ecological psychology, namely that information perception for cultural affordances need not be specific and precise. I am skeptical of this assumption and explain why in what follows. As a helping hand, I also take a stab at reinforcing Slors' narrative.