Dissertation, London School of Economics (
No evangelistic erroneous network of ideas can guarantee the
satisfaction of these two demands : (1) propagate the network without revision and
(2) completely insulate itself against losses in credibility and adherents through criticism. If a network of ideas is false, or inconsistent or fails to solve its intended problem, or unfeasible, or is too costly in terms of necessarily forsaken goals, its acceptability may be undermined given only true assumptions and valid arguments. People prefer to adopt ideologies that (i) are logically consistent, (ii) are more truth-like and
of higher information content than their rivals, (iii) are systematically organised, (iv) solve their problems better than their rivals, (v) do not contain unfeasible demands,
and (vi) do not contain uneconomic demands. Truth and
validity therefore act as Darwinian-like filters on
ideologies. Using Popper's notion of situational analysis and with
reference to Darwinian evolution, considered as a special
case of the former, and Bartley's theory of comprehensively
critical rationalism I argue that a propagandist cannot
guarantee his message or his movement from sound criticism.
All positions are in a methodological sense open to
argument. Moreover, the logic of a propagandist's situation
constrains him into making his message and himself open to
criticism in order to maximize its chances of being
propagated through the population. But he then loses control
of the message in two respects. Firstly, his audience are
disposed to select from the competing ideas they encounter
those that satisfy (i) to (vi) because of man's evolutionary
history. Secondly, he cannot guarantee protection from
criticism even a privileged section of his message because
he cannot predict in a systematic way what logical
repercussions each protective reformulation of the ideology
will have on other sections of the ideology and what
criticism the ideology will encounter. He cannot do the
latter because of certain logical properties of theories
that endow them with unfathomable depths.
Marxism and Freudianism serve as case studies, especially
for the analysis of Popper's notion of the immunizing
stratagem, a methodological/logical device that is supposed
to save theories from criticism. "Immunizing stratagems"
either abandon the ideology they are meant to protect or
seriously lower its chances of being reproduced.