Moral error theory is a meta-ethical view that discusses how one makes an error when
making a moral judgment or claim. The error resides in the fact that the moral values about
which the judgments are made, do not exist in the natural fabric of the world. In the first
section of this article, I shall discuss about the moral error theory itself and the claims that it
makes. Since the moral error theory in a structured form first came from the philosopher J.L.
Mackie, I shall discuss his standard account in the second section and show how this standard
account has been misconceived over the time. The third section sets up a base of the view that
I seek to endorse in this article, showing what is actually meant by an action being
„objectively good or bad‟. The fourth section seeks a critical examination of the
contemporary moral error theories and discusses the issues that arise while these theories
answer the „now what‟ question. Section five enlists various contemporary objections to the
moral error theory which ultimately undermine the arguments made by error theorists. Since
the error theory only considers true what is out there in the world, it poses a „correspondence
threat‟ to the error theory which is discussed in the sixth section. The seventh section
comprises a defense of the formal objections made against the error theory and shows how
the formal objection stands by undermining the error theorists‟ view. The main aim of this
article is to provide a critical examination of the moral error theory and show how it provides
an implausible account of how morality is to be viewed.