Dissertation, (
In this thesis I provide an account of the unpleasantness of pain. In doing this, I shed light
on the nature of pain and unpleasantness. I propose to understand the unpleasantness of
pain based on the determinable-determinate distinction. Unpleasantness is a determinable
phenomenal property of mental states that entails badness. I propose that an unpleasant
pain experience has two phenomenal properties: i) the phenomenal property of being a
pain, and ii) a phenomenal determinate property (u1, u2, u3, etc.) of the unpleasantness
determinable. According to this theory unpleasant pains feel bad, and this explains why
we are motivated and justified in avoiding them. This explains, for example, why we are
motivated and justified to take painkillers. This theory allows us to account for the
heterogeneity of unpleasantness, i.e., we can explain how different unpleasant experiences
feel unpleasant even if they feel so different.
The thesis is organised into seven chapters and divided by three main themes: i) what the
unpleasantness of pain consists in, ii) how we can account for the great phenomenal
diversity among experiences of unpleasantness, and iii) which cases suggest that there
could be pains that are not unpleasant. Broadly, the first two chapters deal with the first
theme, where I analyse two reductive accounts of unpleasantness: the content theories and
the desire theories. I deal with the second theme in the third and fourth chapter, where I
analyse different theories that try to account for the phenomenal property of
unpleasantness. In the fifth and sixth chapter, I focus on the third theme, where I consider
different cases that suggest the existence of pains that are not unpleasant. In the final
chapter, I offer a conclusion of the three main themes by providing my own view on the
unpleasantness of pain.