Elisabeth Meru, born in Hamburg, is a poetess by heart, a storyteller by nature, a forwarding merchant / financial accountant by training, and a Sikh by choice. She is currently settled in Munich, Germany. During the past three decades, she has authored numerous short stories, articles, and poetic compositions for various newspapers, journals, and radio broadcasts. With over a dozen books, both in English and German languages, to her credit to date, she is a prolific author who specializes in writing on Sikh history, tradition, and culture. Her 24-year-long spiritual quest brought her to the Gurdwara in Munich, wherein she heard Gurbani Kirtan for the first time. Therein she felt as if she had reached home. After continuous devotion and dedication to Sikhi for about seven years, she converted to Sikhism. Due to her love for Sikhi, Punjabi and Punjabiat, she learned Gurmukhi. Her first book in German, “Aus dem Herzen des Sikhismus - Guru Nanak Dev Ji - In deinem stillen Rosengarten” was published in 2009. The English version of the book "From the Heart of Sikhism - Guru Nanak Dev Ji - In your quiet rose garden" was published in 2010. These books describe the legends about the ten Gurus, their wisdom and teachings, and her poems, fables and a fairytale in German style. Elisabeth’s second set of books “Sikhism - Wellspring of Love” (in English) and “Sikhismus - Quell der Liebe” (in German), were published in 2010. This book contains her poems and stories about Sikhism. The stories are rooted in the spirit of fairy tales. Her next book, in German, “Sikhs und Sikhismus: Religion, Riten und der Goldene Tempel ” was published in 2011. In Feb. 2012,she with her team published the German edition of “Guru Granth Sahib Ji Essenz und Sikh Terminologie von A - Z.” It is a must-book for German-speaking Sikhs and all those who want a quick overview of basic terms in Sikhism. Another of her book, in German, “Sikhs ... der Bart ist ab,” was published in 2017.