Newton frequently characterized his methodology as distinctive and capable of achieving greater evidential support than that of his contemporaries, due to its mathematical character. Newton's pronouncements reflect a striking position regarding the role of mathematics in natural philosophy. We can give an initial characterization of his position by considering two questions central to seventeenth century debates about the applicability of mathematics. First, how are we to understand the distinctive universality and necessity of mathematical reasoning? One common way to preserve the demonstrative character of mathematics was to restrict its domain, as far as possible, to pure abstractions. The subject matter of mathematics is then taken to be abstracted from the changeable natural world, consisting of quantity and magnitude themselves rather than the objects bearing quantifiable properties. Yet restricting the domain in this way leaves it difficult to see how mathematics relates to natural phenomena. How could the book of nature be written in a language of pure abstractions? Second, what is the proper role of mathematical reasoning in natural philosophy? Many followed Aristotle in consigning mathematics to a subordinate role. Mathematics could not fulfill the main aim of natural philosophy, namely to provide demonstrations reflecting the essences of things and nature's causal order. A related concern was also pressing for the mechanical philosophers: a merely mathematical demonstration fails to provide an intelligible mechanical explanation. The very title of Newton's masterpiece, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, would have been extremely perplexing: how could natural philosophy be based on mathematical principles? My aim is to articulate Newton's position regarding the mathematization of nature in response to these two concerns.