Despite Spinoza’s reputation as a thoroughgoing critic of teleology, in recent years
a number of scholars have argued convincingly that Spinoza does not wish to
eliminate teleological explanations altogether. Recent interpretative debates have
focused on a more recalcitrant problem: whether Spinoza has the resources to
allow for the causal efficacy of representational content. In this paper I present
the problem of mental causation for Spinoza and consider two recent attempts to
respond to the problem on Spinoza’s behalf. While these interpretations certainly
shed some light on Spinoza’s account of cognitive economy, I argue that both fail
to point the way out of the problem because they fail to differentiate between two
forms of representation, one of which is causally efficacious, one of which is not. I
close by suggesting that there is some reason to believe that Spinoza’s account of
mind avoids some of the problems typically associated with mental causation.