I. EDWs, the Hypernothing (EW0) and Physics
Chapter 1 The principles of “epistemologically different worlds” perspective
1.1 The principles concerning existence and interactions of objects
1.2 Epistemologically Different Worlds (EDWs)
1.3 The chains of EDWs
Chapter 2 The “Big Bang” (from actual Physics) versus Hypermetaphysics: the EDWs perspective regarding the accidental appearances of the first EDWs (the EW1a-n) in hypercorrespondences to Hypernothing (the EW0)
2.1 The history of “Universe” in Cosmology today
2.2 Classification of (hyper)correspondences
2.3 The rejection of “antimatter”
2.4 More details about electromagnetic field (the field-EW)
2.5 More details about special theory of relativity
2.6 More details about general theory of relativity
Chapter 3 More details about Hypernothing and its hyperontology
3.1 Hypernothing (epistemologically different then “something” and “nothing”)
3.2 The principles of hyperontology of Hypernothing
3.3 More details about the accidental appearances of the EW1a-n in hypercorrespondences to the EW0
Chapter 4 Friedman’s “relativized a priori” and “change of paradigms in science” versus EDWs
4.1 Geometry and Physics: relativized a priori for Newton/Kant, Helmholtz, Poincare and Einstein
4.2 The change of paradigm in scientific knowledge: Cassirer, Carnap versus Meyerson and Kuhn
II. “Antireductionism” under the Umbrella of Epistemology/lLanguage
within the Unicorn World
Chapter 5 Few words about Gell-Mann’s “antireductionism”
Chapter 6 Dual aspect theory (Spinoza-Velmans) versus the EDWs perspective
6.1 Velmans’ Understanding consciousness (2000)
6.2 Velmans’ article 2008 (Journal of Consciousness Studies, 15 (2), pp. 5-50)
6.3 My view consciousness in few words
Chapter 7 Heil’s “Real tables” or “linguistic disease” in the philosophy/sciences of the 20th century
III. Paradigms and Revolutions
Chapter 8 Kuhn’s “paradigms” and the EDWs hyper-paradigm
Conclusion The EDWs perspective and some truths