SOCRATES 2 (1):104-119 (
Abstract: The emergence of women entrepreneurs and their contribution to the national
economy is quite visible in India. Women’s entrepreneurship has been recognized during
the last decade as an important untapped source of economic growth. According to of
statistics women in India 2010, proportion of female main workers to total population in
percentage is 16.65 in rural areas and 9.42 in urban areas this shows overall less
contribution of women in work but more percentage of women workers in rural areas.
According to the quick result of the Fourth All India Census of MSMEs (2006-07), there are
26 million MSMEs in India which provides employment to about 60 million people. The
sector contributes about 40 % GDP, beside 45% to the total manufacturing output and 40 %
to the exports from the country. There could be many opportunities identification hidden
inside the challenges for small business concerns. This paper examines various
opportunities and challenges for Women Entrepreneurship Development in Micro Small and
Medium Enterprise. More precisely the paper explores, rewards for starting a small
business, myths about small businesses, new opportunities, four forms of entrepreneurship,
identification practices among first generation and major challenges in small business.