One well known problem regarding quantifiers, in particular the 1storder
quantifiers, is connected with their syntactic categories and denotations.
The unsatisfactory efforts to establish the syntactic and ontological categories
of quantifiers in formalized first-order languages can be solved by means of the
so called principle of categorial compatibility formulated by Roman Suszko,
referring to some innovative ideas of Gottlob Frege and visible in syntactic
and semantic compatibility of language expressions. In the paper the principle
is introduced for categorial languages generated by the Ajdukiewicz’s classical
categorial grammar. The 1st-order quantifiers are typically ambiguous. Every
1st-order quantifier of the type k > 0 is treated as a two-argument functorfunction
defined on the variable standing at this quantifier and its scope (the
sentential function with exactly k free variables, including the variable bound
by this quantifier); a binary function defined on denotations of its two arguments
is its denotation. Denotations of sentential functions, and hence also
quantifiers, are defined separately in Fregean and in situational semantics.
They belong to the ontological categories that correspond to the syntactic
categories of these sentential functions and the considered quantifiers. The
main result of the paper is a solution of the problem of categories of the
1st-order quantifiers based on the principle of categorial compatibility.