Dissertation, Istanbul University (
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between subject and object—or more broadly, the problem of thought and being—which stands as one of the most fundamental issues in the history of philosophy, particularly in modern philosophy. Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit serves as our primary guide in addressing this problem, as it provides the most foundational framework for understanding and resolving the subject-object relationship within the context of Hegel’s concept of subjectivity.
This thesis aims to explore how Hegel approaches the subject-object problem in a manner distinct from other modern philosophers, emphasizing his unique conception of subjectivity. To achieve this, we will closely follow the dialectical path laid out in Phenomenology of Spirit. As we traverse the various stages of consciousness outlined in the work, we will ultimately arrive at Hegel’s conception of truth—not merely as substance, but equally as subject—thereby revealing a resolution to the subject-object problem.