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  1. Complete representations in algebraic logic.Robin Hirsch & Ian Hodkinson - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (3):816-847.
    A boolean algebra is shown to be completely representable if and only if it is atomic, whereas it is shown that neither the class of completely representable relation algebras nor the class of completely representable cylindric algebras of any fixed dimension (at least 3) are elementary.
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  • Nonfinite axiomatizability results for cylindric and relation algebras.Roger D. Maddux - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):951-974.
    The set of equations which use only one variable and hold in all representable relation algebras cannot be derived from any finite set of equations true in all representable relation algebras. Similar results hold for cylindric algebras and for logic with finitely many variables. The main tools are a construction of nonrepresentable one-generated relation algebras, a method for obtaining cylindric algebras from relation algebras, and the use of relation algebras in defining algebraic semantics for first-order logic.
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  • Complexity of equations valid in algebras of relations part I: Strong non-finitizability.Hajnal Andréka - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 89 (2):149-209.
    We study algebras whose elements are relations, and the operations are natural “manipulations” of relations. This area goes back to 140 years ago to works of De Morgan, Peirce, Schröder . Well known examples of algebras of relations are the varieties RCAn of cylindric algebras of n-ary relations, RPEAn of polyadic equality algebras of n-ary relations, and RRA of binary relations with composition. We prove that any axiomatization, say E, of RCAn has to be very complex in the following sense: (...)
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  • Step by step – Building representations in algebraic logic.Robin Hirsch & Ian Hodkinson - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (1):225-279.
    We consider the problem of finding and classifying representations in algebraic logic. This is approached by letting two players build a representation using a game. Homogeneous and universal representations are characterized according to the outcome of certain games. The Lyndon conditions defining representable relation algebras (for the finite case) and a similar schema for cylindric algebras are derived. Finite relation algebras with homogeneous representations are characterized by first order formulas. Equivalence games are defined, and are used to establish whether an (...)
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  • (1 other version)On universal algebraic constructions of logics.H. Andréka, T. Gergely & I. Németi - 1977 - Studia Logica 36 (1-2):9 - 47.
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  • Relation algebras with n-dimensional relational bases.Robin Hirsch & Ian Hodkinson - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 101 (2-3):227-274.
    We study relation algebras with n-dimensional relational bases in the sense of Maddux. Fix n with 3nω. Write Bn for the class of non-associative algebras with an n-dimensional relational basis, and RAn for the variety generated by Bn. We define a notion of relativised representation for algebras in RAn, and use it to give an explicit equational axiomatisation of RAn, and to reprove Maddux's result that RAn is canonical. We show that the algebras in Bn are precisely those that have (...))
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  • The class of neat-reducts of cylindric algebras is not a variety but is closed w.r.t. HP.István Németi - 1983 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 24:399-409.
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  • Relation algebras from cylindric and polyadic algebras.I. Nemeti & A. Simon - 1997 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 5 (4):575-588.
    This paper is a survey of recent results concerning connections between relation algebras , cylindric algebras and polyadic equality algebras . We describe exactly which subsets of the standard axioms for RA are needed for axiomatizing RA over the RA-reducts of CA3's, and we do the same for the class SA of semi-associative relation algebras. We also characterize the class of RA-reducts of PEA3's. We investigate the interconnections between the RA-axioms within CA3 in more detail, and show that only four (...)
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  • On the search for a finitizable algebraization of first order logic.I. Sain - 2000 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 8 (4):497-591.
    We give an algebraic version of first order logic without equality in which the class of representable algebras forms a finitely based equational class. Further, the representables are defined in terms of set algebras, and all operations of the latter are permutation invariant. The algebraic form of this result is Theorem 1.1 , while its logical form is Corollary 5.2.For first order logic with equality we give a result weaker than the one for first order logic without equality. Namely, in (...)
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