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  1. The Corporate Social-Financial Performance Relationship.Lee E. Preston & Douglas P. O'Bannon - 1997 - Business and Society 36 (4):419-429.
    This research note analyzes the relationship between indicators of corporate social and financial performance within a comprehensive theoretical framework. The results, based on data for 67 large U.S. corporations for 1982-1992, reveal no significant negative social-financial performance relationships and strong positive correlations in both contemporaneous and lead-lag formulations.
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  • Corporate Governance and CSR Nexus.Maretno A. Harjoto & Hoje Jo - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (1):45 - 67.
    Some argue that managers over-invest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities to build their personal reputations as good global citizens. Others claim that CEOs strategically choose CSR activities to reduce the probability of CEO turnover in a future period through indirect support from activists. Still others assert that firms use CSR activities to signal their product quality. We find that firms use governance mechanisms, along with CSR engagement, to reduce conflicts of interest between managers and non-investing stakeholders. Employing a large (...)
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  • CSR Initiatives as Market Signals: A Review and Research Agenda.Fabrizio Zerbini - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (1):1-23.
    The purpose of this paper is to provide a basis for a systematic development of signaling theory on CSR initiatives. The paper proposes signaling theory as a framework supportive of a strategic CSR approach; maps extant research on signaling through CSR initiatives; offers a comprehensive assessment of the most diffused CSR initiatives and discusses their eligibility as signaling devices; and outlines a research agenda to further develop and test signaling theory in business ethics. Specifically, the study reconsiders some key assumptions, (...)
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  • Foreign Institutional Investors, Legal Origin, and Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disclosure.Simon Döring, Wolfgang Drobetz, Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami & Henning Schröder - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (4):903-932.
    The disclosure of corporate environmental performance is an increasingly important element of a firm’s ethical behavior. We analyze how the legal origin of foreign institutional investors affects a firm’s voluntary greenhouse gas emissions disclosure. Using a large sample of firms from 36 countries, we show that foreign institutional ownership from civil law countries improves the scope and quality of a firm’s greenhouse gas emissions reporting. This relation is robust to addressing endogeneity and selection biases. The effect is more pronounced in (...)
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  • Firm Internationalization and Corporate Social Responsibility.Najah Attig, Narjess Boubakri, Sadok El Ghoul & Omrane Guedhami - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (2):171-197.
    Using a large sample of 3,040 U.S. firms and 16,606 firm-year observations over the 1991–2010 period, we find strong evidence that firm internationalization is positively related to the firm’s corporate social responsibility rating. This finding persists when we use alternative estimation methods, samples, and proxies for internationalization and when we address endogeneity concerns. We also provide evidence that the positive relation between internationalization and CSR rating holds for a large sample of firms from 44 countries. Finally, we offer novel evidence (...)
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  • CSR Strategies in Response to Competitive Pressures.Marion Dupire & Bouchra M’Zali - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (3):603-623.
    Is corporate social responsibility a tool for strategic positioning? While CSR is sometimes used as part of a differentiation strategy, this article analyzes which specific CSR strategies arise in response to competitive pressures. The results suggest that competitive pressures lead firms to increase their positive social actions without necessarily decreasing their social weaknesses. This positive impact varies with specific dimensions of CSR and industry specificities: Competition improves social performance toward core stakeholders to a greater extent than social performance toward peripheral (...)
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  • Is the Perception of 'Goodness' Good Enough? Exploring the Relationship Between Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Organizational Identification.Ante Glavas & Lindsey N. Godwin - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (1):15-27.
    Drawing on social identity theory and organizational identification theory, we develop a model of the impact of perceived corporate social responsibility on employees’ organizational identification. We argue that employees’ perceptions of their company’s social responsibility behaviors are more important than organizational reality in determining organizational identification. After defining perceived corporate social responsibility (PCSR), we postulate how PCSR affects organizational identification when perception and reality are aligned or misaligned. Implications for organizational practice and further research are discussed.
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  • Strategic Explanations for the Early Adoption of ISO 14001.Pratima Bansal & Trevor Hunter - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 46 (3):289 - 299.
    There are two different, and somewhat competing, strategic explanations for why firms certify for ISO 14001. On the one hand, firms may seek to reinforce their present strategies thereby further enhancing their competitive advantage. On the other hand, firms may use ISO 14001 as a mechanism to reorient their strategies, so that a clear signal is sent about the firm's change in strategic positioning. This paper aims to identify the most likely explanation for early adopters of ISO 14001. Using a (...)
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  • Environmental Legitimacy, Green Innovation, and Corporate Carbon Disclosure: Evidence from CDP China 100.Dayuan Li, Min Huang, Shenggang Ren, Xiaohong Chen & Lutao Ning - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (4):1089-1104.
    Firms worldwide are increasingly required to disclose their carbon emissions due to the environmental damage associated with climate change. Because there has been no previous literature focusing on the determinants of corporate carbon disclosure integrating environmental legitimacy and green innovation, the present study attempted to develop an original framework to fill the research gap. This study explored the influence of environmental legitimacy on corporate carbon disclosure, and investigated the role of green innovation as a mediator. With the samples of Carbon (...)
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  • Corporate Governance Quality and CSR Disclosures.MuiChing Carina Chan, John Watson & David Woodliff - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (1):1-15.
    Given the increasing importance attached to both corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate governance, this study investigates the association between these two complimentary mechanisms used by companies to enhance relations with stakeholders. Consistent with both legitimacy and stakeholder theory and controlling for industry profile, firm size, stockholder power/dispersion, creditor power/leverage, and economic performance, our analysis of the annual reports for a sample of 222 listed companies suggests that firms providing more CSR information: have better corporate governance ratings; are larger; belong (...)
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  • The Signaling Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility in Emerging Economies.Weichieh Su, Mike W. Peng, Weiqiang Tan & Yan-Leung Cheung - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (3):479-491.
    What signals do firms in emerging economies send to stakeholders when they adopt corporate social responsibility practices? We argue that in emerging economies, firms that adopt CSR practices positively signal investors that their firms have superior capabilities for filling institutional voids. From an institution-based view, we hypothesize that the institutional environment moderates the signaling effect of CSR on a firm’s financial performance. Based on a sample of firms from ten Asian emerging economies, we find a positive relationship between CSR practices (...)
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  • A Study of Management Perceptions of the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organisational Performance in Emerging Economies: The Case of Dubai.Belaid Rettab, Anis Ben Brik & Kamel Mellahi - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (3):371-390.
    Although a number of studies have shown that corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities often lead to greater organisational performance in western developed economies, researchers are yet to examine the strategic value of CSR in emerging economies. Using survey data from 280 firms operating in Dubai, this study examines the link between CSR activities and organisational performance. The results show that CSR has a positive relationship with all three measures of organisational performance: financial performance, employee commitment, and corporate reputation. These results (...)
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  • Corporate Environmental Responsibility: A Legal Origins Perspective.Hakkon Kim, Kwangwoo Park & Doojin Ryu - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (3):381-402.
    In this study, we examine the determinants of corporate environmental responsibility, as well as the relationship between legal systems and CER as measured by a unique set of global environmental cost data. Results of our analyses show that firms’ legal origins affect CER, which requires a long-term management perspective. Specifically, our results indicate that civil law firms exhibit significantly higher levels of CER than common law firms. In addition, results of an auxiliary test suggest that manager shareholding has a significant, (...)
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  • Drivers of Global CSR Integration and Local CSR Responsiveness: Evidence from Chinese MNEs.Christof Miska, Michael A. Witt & Günter K. Stahl - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (3):317-345.
    What drives Chinese MNEs’ global CSR integration and local CSR responsiveness? Drawing on institutional theory, we argue that both antecedents reflecting globally isomorphic patterns of adaptation and antecedents mirroring the distinct characteristics of China’s institutional context are relevant. We support our argument using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis on a sample of 29 of China’s globally most influential companies. We find that state influence and global CSR associations affect global CSR integration, whereas presence in the West and internationalization through mergers and (...)
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  • Corporate Social Responsibility for Developing Country Multinational Corporations: Lost War in Pertaining Global Competitiveness? [REVIEW]Philippe Gugler & Jacylyn Y. J. Shi - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):3 - 24.
    This article explores the conceptual and practical gap existing between the developed and developing countries in relation to corporate social responsibility (CSR), or the North-South ' CSR Divide', through the analysis of possible impact on the competitiveness of developing countries' and economies' SMEs and MNEs in globalization. To do so, this article first reviewed the traditional wisdom on the concept of strategic CSR developed in the North and the role that CSR engagement can play in corporate competitiveness, and compare with (...)
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  • The Influence of Corporate Environmental Ethics on Competitive Advantage: The Mediation Role of Green Innovation. [REVIEW]Ching-Hsun Chang - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (3):361-370.
    This study utilizes structural equation modeling (SEM) to explore the positive effect of corporate environmental ethics on competitive advantage in the Taiwanese manufacturing industry via the mediator: green innovation performance. This study divides green innovation into green product innovation and green process innovation. The empirical results show that corporate environmental ethics positively affects green product innovation and green process innovation. In addition, this study verifies that green product innovation mediates the positive relationship between corporate environmental ethics and competitive advantage, but (...)
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  • Signaling Sustainability Leadership: Empirical Evidence of the Value of DJSI Membership. [REVIEW]Michael Robinson, Anne Kleffner & Stephanie Bertels - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (3):493-505.
    We explore the relationship between corporate sustainability, reputation, and firm value by asking whether signaling sustainability leadership through membership on a recognized sustainability index is value generating. Increasingly, stakeholders are demanding that firms demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. One signal that companies can send to stakeholders to indicate that they are sustainability leaders is membership on a recognized “best in class” sustainability index. This article explores both the short-term and the intermediary impact on North American firms of being included or (...)
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  • Corporate social and financial performance: An extended stakeholder theory, and empirical test with accounting measures. [REVIEW]Gerwin Van der Laan, Hans Van Ees & Arjen Van Witteloostuijn - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (3):299-310.
    Although agreement on the positive sign of the relationship between corporate social and financial performance is observed in the literature, the mechanisms that constitute this relationship are not yet well-known. We address this issue by extending management’s stakeholder theory by adding insights from psychology’s prospect decision theory and sociology’s resource dependence theory. Empirically, we analyze an extensive panel dataset, including information on disaggregated measures of social performance for the S&P 500 in the 1997–2002 period. In so doing, we enrich the (...)
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