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  1. Group agency: the possibility, design, and status of corporate agents.Christian List & Philip Pettit - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Philip Pettit.
    Are companies, churches, and states genuine agents? Or are they just collections of individuals that give a misleading impression of unity? This question is important, since the answer dictates how we should explain the behaviour of these entities and whether we should treat them as responsible and accountable on the model of individual agents. Group Agency offers a new approach to that question and is relevant, therefore, to a range of fields from philosophy to law, politics, and the social sciences. (...)
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  • Private Government: How Employers Rule Our Lives.Elizabeth Anderson - 2017 - Princeton University Press.
    Why our workplaces are authoritarian private governments—and why we can’t see it One in four American workers says their workplace is a “dictatorship.” Yet that number almost certainly would be higher if we recognized employers for what they are—private governments with sweeping authoritarian power over our lives. Many employers minutely regulate workers’ speech, clothing, and manners on the job, and employers often extend their authority to the off-duty lives of workers, who can be fired for their political speech, recreational activities, (...)
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  • Negative dialectics.Theodor W. Adorno - 1973 - New York: Continuum.
    Negative Dialects is a phrase that flouts tradition. As early as Plato, dialectics meant to achieve something positive by means of negation; the thought figure of a 'negation of negation' later became the succinct term. This book seeks to free dialectics from such affirmative traits without reducing its determinacy.
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  • (1 other version)One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society.Herbert Marcuse - 1964 - Routledge.
    In his most seminal book, Herbert Marcuse sharply objects to what he saw as pervasive one-dimensional thinking-the uncritical and conformist acceptance of existing structures, norms and behaviours. Originally published in 1964, One Dimensional Man quickly became one of the most important texts in the politically radical sixties. Marcuse's searing indictment of Western society remains as chillingly relevant today as it was at its first writing.
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  • Critique of Forms of Life.Rahel Jaeggi - 2018 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    For many liberals, the question "Do others live rightly?" feels inappropriate. Liberalism seems to demand a follow-up question: "Who am I to judge?" Peaceful coexistence, in this view, is predicated on restraint from morally evaluating our peers. But Rahel Jaeggi sees the situation differently. Criticizing is not only valid but also useful, she argues. Moral judgment is no error; the error lies in how we go about judging. One way to judge is external, based on universal standards derived from ideas (...)
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  • History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics.Georg Lukács - 1971 - MIT Press.
    A series of essays treating, among other topics, the definition of orthodox Marxism, the question of legality and illegality, Rosa Luxemburg as a Marxist, the changing function of Historic Marxism, class consciousness, and the ...
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  • Retrieving Realism.Hubert Dreyfus & Charles Taylor - 2015 - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Edited by Charles Taylor.
    For Descartes, knowledge exists as ideas in the mind that represent the world. In a radical critique, Hubert Dreyfus and Charles Taylor argue that knowledge consists of much more than the representations we formulate in our minds. They affirm our direct contact with reality—both the physical and the social world—and our shared understanding of it.
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  • Questioning Technology.Andrew Feenberg - 1999 - Routledge.
    In this extraordinary introduction to the study of the philosophy of technology, Andrew Feenberg argues that techonological design is central to the social and political structure of modern societies. Environmentalism, information technology, and medical advances testify to technology's crucial importance. In his lucid and engaging style, Feenberg shows that technology is the medium of daily life. Every major technical changes reverberates at countless levels: economic, political, and cultural. If we continue to see the social and technical domains as being seperate, (...)
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  • For Marx.Louis Althusser - 1969 - New York: Verso.
    A milestone in the development of post-war Marxist thought.
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  • Alienation.Rahel Jaeggi - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    In this book Jaeggi draws on phenomenological analyses grounded in modern conceptions of agency, along with recent work in the analytical tradition, to reconceive of alienation as the absence of a meaningful relationship to oneself and ...
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  • Thinking Like a Planet: The Land Ethic and the Earth Ethic.J. Baird Callicott - 2013 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Bringing together ecology, evolutionary moral psychology, and environmental ethics, J. Baird Callicott counters the narrative of blame and despair that prevails in contemporary discussions of climate ethics and offers a fresh, more optimistic approach.
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  • Adorno on Nature.Deborah Cook - 2011 - Routledge.
    Decades before the environmental movement emerged in the 1960s, Adorno condemned our destructive and self-destructive relationship to the natural world, warning of the catastrophe that may result if we continue to treat nature as an object that exists exclusively for our own benefit. "Adorno on Nature" presents the first detailed examination of the pivotal role of the idea of natural history in Adorno's work. A comparison of Adorno's concerns with those of key ecological theorists - social ecologist Murray Bookchin, ecofeminist (...)
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  • The Idea of Natural History.Theodor W. Adorno - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (60):111-124.
    Allow me to preface my remarks today by saying that I am not going to give a lecture in the usual sense of communicating results or presenting a systematic statement. Rather, what I have to say will remain on the level of an essay; it is no more than an attempt to take up and further develop the problems of the so-called Frankfurt discussion. I recognize that many uncomplimentary things have been said about this discussion, but I am equally aware (...)
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  • The concept of nature in Marx.Alfred Schmidt - 1971 - London: NLB.
    The central importance of Marx's concept of nature in the formulation of historical materialism has been largely neglected in the extensive literature on Marx. Alfred Schmidt, philosophical successor to Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno in Frankfurt, seeks to elucidate it in this original study.
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  • The new science of politics: an introduction.Eric Voegelin - 1952 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    "Thirty-five years ago few could have predicted that The New Science of Politics would be a best-seller by political theory standards. Compressed within the Draconian economy of the six Walgreen lectures is a complete theory of man, society, and history, presented at the most profound and intellectual level. . . . Voegelin's [work] stands out in bold relief from much of what has passed under the name of political science in recent decades. . . . The New Science is aptly (...)
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  • What (if Anything) Is Wrong with Capitalism? Dysfunctionality, Exploitation and Alienation: Three Approaches to the Critique of Capitalism.Rahel Jaeggi - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (S1):44-65.
    What is the problem with capitalism? Is it wrong, unjust, irrational, or bad? Is it evil or dumb—or is it just not working? While critiques of capitalism have become commonplace—particularly since the most recent global economic crisis—it is often unclear what exactly is being condemned. Likewise, the normative presuppositions and criteria of such criticisms have been left unspecified. In this paper, I distinguish between three approaches to the critique of capitalism, distinguishing a functional, a moral, and an ethical argumentative strategy (...)
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  • Artifacts have consequences, not agency: Toward a critical theory of global environmental history.Alf Hornborg - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1):95-110.
    This article challenges the urge within Actor-Network Theory, posthumanism, and the ontological turn in sociology and anthropology to dissolve analytical distinctions between subject and object, society and nature, and human and non-human. It argues that only by acknowledging such distinctions and applying a realist ontology can exploitative and unsustainable global power relations be exposed. The predicament of the Anthropocene should not prompt us to abandon distinctions between society and nature but to refine the analytical framework through which we can distinguish (...)
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  • Philosophy gone wild: essays in environmental ethics.Holmes Rolston - 1986 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
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  • Alienation.Richard Schacht - 1972 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 32 (3):430-431.
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  • A philosophical history of German sociology.Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2009 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Introduction -- 1e Intermed consid -- Marx -- Simmel -- Weber -- Lukács -- 2e intermed consid -- Horkheimer -- Adorno -- 3e intermed consid -- Habermas I -- Habermas II -- Habermas III -- Conclusion -- Postscript -- Bibliography.
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  • Work and Instrumental Action: On the Normative Basis of Critical Theory.Axel Honneth - 1982 - Thesis Eleven 5-5 (1):162-184.
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  • Sans objet: capitalisme, subjectivité, aliénation.Franck Fischbach - 2009 - Vrin.
    Dans un contexte de crise du systeme capitaliste - une crise qui n'est sans doute qu'une etape de plus dans une fuite en avant qui dure depuis 30 ans, par laquelle ledit systeme tente desesperement de dissimuler la contradiction fondamentale qui l'habite (chercher a maintenir a tout prix la forme de la valeur alors meme que tout la denonce comme une forme fondamentalement depassee, perimee et anachronique de la richesse sociale) - ce livre part de notre impuissance pratique et de (...)
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  • Alienation.Richard Schacht - 1970 - Psychology Press.
    First published in 1970, original blurb: 'Alienation' is the catchword of our time. It has been applied to everything from the new politics to the anti-heroes of today's films. But what does it meanto say that someone is alienated? Is alienation a state of mind, or a relationship? If modern man is indeed alienated, is it from his work, his government, his society, or himself - or from all of these? Richard Schacht, in this intelligent analysis, gets to the root (...)
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  • Abondance et liberté: une histoire environnementale des idées politiques.Pierre Charbonnier - 2020 - [Paris]: La Découverte.
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  • Des sujets au cœur duCapital.Ludovic Hetzel - 2015 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 154 (4):527.
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  • Performance and Progress: Essays on Capitalism, Business, and Society.Subramanian Rangan (ed.) - 2015 - Oxford University Press.
    The prevailing aspiration of business is performance, while that of society is progress. Capitalism, both the paradigm and practice, sits at the intersection of these dual aspirations, and the essays in this volume, written by some of the worlds leading economists, philosophers and business academics, explore the tensions between them.
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