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  1. Foundations of information integration theory.Norman Henry Anderson - 1981 - New York: Academic Press.
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  • Value maximization, stakeholder theory, and the corporate objective function.Michael C. Jensen - 2002 - Business Ethics Quarterly 12 (2):235-256.
    Abstract: In this article, I offer a proposal to clarify what I believe is the proper relation between value maximization and stakeholder theory, which I call enlightened value maximization. Enlightened value maximization utilizes much of the structure of stakeholder theory but accepts maximization of the long-run value of the firm as the criterion for making the requisite tradeoffs among its stakeholders, and specifies long-term value maximization or value seeking as the firm’s objective. This proposal therefore solves the problems that arise (...)
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  • The Corporate Social-Financial Performance Relationship.Lee E. Preston & Douglas P. O'Bannon - 1997 - Business and Society 36 (4):419-429.
    This research note analyzes the relationship between indicators of corporate social and financial performance within a comprehensive theoretical framework. The results, based on data for 67 large U.S. corporations for 1982-1992, reveal no significant negative social-financial performance relationships and strong positive correlations in both contemporaneous and lead-lag formulations.
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  • Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk.D. Kahneman & A. Tversky - 1979 - Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society:263--291.
    The following values have no corresponding Zotero field: PB - JSTOR.
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  • Socially Irresponsible and Illegal Behavior and Shareholder Wealth A Meta-Analysis of Event Studies.Jeff Frooman - 1997 - Business and Society 36 (3):221-249.
    This article provides empirical results indicating that acting in a socially respon- sible and lawful manner is a necessary, though not sufficient, condition for increasing shareholder wealth. It meta-analyzes 27 event studies that have mea- sured the stock market's reaction to incidences of socially irresponsible and illicit behavior. It finds that for firms engaging in socially irresponsible and illicit behavior, the effect on shareholder wealth is negative (wealth decreases), statisti- cally significant (p <.001), and so substantial in size (D = (...)
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  • Beyond “Does it Pay to be Green?” A Meta-Analysis of Moderators of the CEP–CFP Relationship.Heather R. Dixon-Fowler, Daniel J. Slater, Jonathan L. Johnson, Alan E. Ellstrand & Andrea M. Romi - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (2):353-366.
    Review of extant research on the corporate environmental performance (CEP) and corporate financial performance (CFP) link generally demonstrates a positive relationship. However, some arguments and empirical results have demonstrated otherwise. As a result, researchers have called for a contingency approach to this research stream, which moves beyond the basic question “does it pay to be green?” and instead asks “when does it pay to be green?” In answering this call, we provide a meta-analytic review of CEP–CFP literature in which we (...)
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  • Inefficient Markets: An Introduction to Behavioural Finance.Andrei Shleifer - 2000 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The efficient markets hypothesis has been the central proposition in finance for nearly thirty years. It states that securities prices in financial markets must equal fundamental values, either because all investors are rational or because arbitrage eliminates pricing anomalies. This book describes an alternative approach to the study of financial markets: behavioral finance. This approach starts with an observation that the assumptions of investor rationality and perfect arbitrage are overwhelmingly contradicted by both psychological and institutional evidence. In actual financial markets, (...)
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  • Do Stock Investors Value Corporate Sustainability? Evidence from an Event Study.Adrian Wai Kong Cheung - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (2):145-165.
    This paper analyzes the impacts of index inclusions and exclusions on corporate sustainable firms by studying a sample of US stocks that are added to or deleted from the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index over the period 2002-2008. The impacts are measured in terms of stock return, risk and liquidity. We cannot find any strong evidence that announcement per se has any significant impact on stock return and risk. However, on the day of change, index inclusion (exclusion) stocks experience a (...)
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  • The Impact of Forest Certification on Firm Financial Performance in Canada and the U.S.Kais Bouslah, Bouchra M’Zali, Marie-France Turcotte & Maher Kooli - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (4):551 - 572.
    The purpose of this article is to examine empirically the impact of environmental certification on firm financial performance (FP). The main question is whether there is a "green premium" for certified firms, and, if so, for what kind of certification. We analyze the short-run and the long-run stock price performance using an event-study methodology on a sample of Canadian and U.S. firms. The results of short-run event abnormal returns indicate that forest certification does not have any significant impact on firm (...)
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  • Firm performance: The interactions of corporate social performance with innovation and industry differentiation.Clyde Eiríkur Hull & Sandra Rothenberg - 2008 - Strategic Management Journal 29 (7):781-789.
    The impact of corporate social performance on firm financial performance has been examined previously with mixed results. This study examines the possibility that corporate social performance enhances financial performance by allowing the firm to differentiate, and that this effect may be moderated both by innovation, which also drives firm differentiation, and the level of differentiation in the industry. Hypotheses concerning both direct and moderating effects are developed and tested using secondary data. Our results support both innovation and the level of (...)
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  • How Hot Is Your Bottom Line? Linking Carbon and Financial Performance.Timo Busch - 2011 - Business and Society 50 (2):233-265.
    This study adds two new perspectives to the long-running debate regarding the linkage between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance (CFP): First, we add the aspect of issue materiality and suggest research to put more emphasis on the question of how individual CSP issues can be assumed to systematically influence the business environment from a theoretical point of view. Second, we highlight the measurement level of the underlying data screens as an important determinant of the actual effects of (...)
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  • Authors' Response.Lee Preston & James Post - 1996 - Business and Society 35 (4):479-482.
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  • Differential Economic Impacts of Corporate Responsibility Issues.Leena Lankoski - 2009 - Business and Society 48 (2):206-224.
    The study examined whether there are systematic differences in the economic impacts of different corporate responsibility issues and found that the content of corporate responsibility does have an effect on economic impact. Economic impacts were more positive for corporate responsibility issues that reduce negative externalities than for those that generate positive externalities and more positive as well as for issues whose outcome benefits market stakeholders rather than nonmarket stakeholders.
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  • Global Standards and Ethical Stock Indexes: The Case of the Dow Jones Sustainability Stoxx Index. [REVIEW]Costanza Consolandi, Ameeta Jaiswal-Dale, Elisa Poggiani & Alessandro Vercelli - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):185 - 197.
    The increased scrutiny of investors regarding the non-financial aspects of corporate performance has placed portfolio managers in the position of having to weigh the benefits of ' holding the market' against the cost of having positions in companies that are subsequently found to have questionable business practices. The availability of stock indexes based on sustainability screening makes increasingly viable for institutional investors the transition to a portfolio based on a Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) benchmark at relatively low cost. The increasing (...)
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  • Signaling Sustainability Leadership: Empirical Evidence of the Value of DJSI Membership. [REVIEW]Michael Robinson, Anne Kleffner & Stephanie Bertels - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (3):493-505.
    We explore the relationship between corporate sustainability, reputation, and firm value by asking whether signaling sustainability leadership through membership on a recognized sustainability index is value generating. Increasingly, stakeholders are demanding that firms demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. One signal that companies can send to stakeholders to indicate that they are sustainability leaders is membership on a recognized “best in class” sustainability index. This article explores both the short-term and the intermediary impact on North American firms of being included or (...)
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  • Stock Market’s Reaction to Disclosure of Environmental Violations: Evidence from China. [REVIEW]X. D. Xu, S. X. Zeng & C. M. Tam - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (2):227-237.
    The stock market’s reaction to information disclosure of environmental violation events (EVEs) is investigated multi-dimensionally for Chinese listed companies, including variables such as pollution types, information disclosure sources, information disclosure levels, modernization levels of the region where the company locates, ultimate ownership of the company, and ownership held by the largest shareholder. Using the method of event study, daily abnormal return (AR) and accumulative abnormal return (CAR) are calculated under different event window for examining the extent to which the stock (...)
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  • Definition, Conceptualization, and Measurement of Corporate Environmental Performance: A Critical Examination of a Multidimensional Construct. [REVIEW]C. Trumpp, J. Endrikat, C. Zopf & E. Guenther - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (2):1-20.
    Corporate environmental performance (CEP) has been of fundamental interest in scholarly research during the last few decades. However, there is a great deal of disagreement pertaining to the definition, conceptualization, and adequate measurement of CEP. Our study addresses these issues and provides a methodologically rigorous and comprehensive examination of content validity and construct validity. By integrating the available literature on CEP, we derive a parsimonious definition and theoretically sound framework of the focal construct. Drawing on non-aggregated and publicly available data (...)
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