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Language, Thought, and Other Biological Categories.Ruth Millikan - 1984 - Behaviorism 14 (1):51-56.details
White Queen Psychology and Other Essays for Alice.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 1993 - MIT Press.details
Varieties of Meaning: The 2002 Jean Nicod Lectures.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 2004 - MIT Press.details
In defense of proper functions.Ruth Millikan - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (June):288-302.details
The Many Faces of Realism.Hilary Putnam - 1987 - Open Court.details
Functions as Selected Effects: The Conceptual Analyst’s Defense.Karen Neander - 1991 - Philosophy of Science 58 (2):168-184.details
Misrepresentation.Fred Dretske - 1986 - In Radu J. Bogdan (ed.), Belief: Form, Content, and Function. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 17--36.details
Biosemantics.Ruth Millikan - 1989 - Journal of Philosophy 86 (6):281-97.details
(8 other versions)Meditations on First Philosophy.René Descartes - 1641 - New York,: Caravan Books. Edited by Stanley Tweyman.details
Introduction to Montague Semantics.David R. Dowty, Robert Eugene Wall & Stanley Peters - 1981 - Springer.details
Realism and Reason: Philosophical Papers Vol. 3.Hilary Putnam - 1983 - Cambridge University Press.details
Language: A Biological Model.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 2005 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.details
Biological Function and Normativity.Kenneth G. Ferguson - 2007 - Philo 10 (1):17-26.details