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  1. The University and the Responsible Conduct of Research: Who is Responsible for What? [REVIEW]Katherine Alfredo & Hillary Hart - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (3):447-457.
    Research misconduct has been thoroughly discussed in the literature, but mainly in terms of definitions and prescriptions for proper conduct. Even when case studies are cited, they are generally used as a repository of “lessons learned.” What has been lacking from this conversation is how the lessons of responsible conduct of research are imparted in the first place to graduate students, especially those in technical fields such as engineering. Nor has there been much conversation about who is responsible for what (...)
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  • Mentoring and the impact of the research climate.Professor Glyn C. Roberts, Maria Kavussanu & Robert L. Sprague - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (4):525-537.
    In this article, we focus on the mentoring process, and we argue that the internal and external pressures extant at research universities may create a research culture that may be antithetical to appropriate mentoring. We developed a scale based on motivation theory to determine the perceived research culture in departments and research laboratories, and a mentoring scale to determine approaches to mentoring graduate students. Participants were 610 faculty members across 49 departments at a research oriented university. The findings were that (...)
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  • Mentoring and ethical beliefs in graduate education in science: Commentary on ‘influences on the ethical beliefs of graduate students concerning research’.Rachelle D. Hollander - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (4):521-524.
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  • A Qualitative Approach to Responsible Conduct of Research Training Development: Identification of Metacognitive Strategies.Michael D. Mumford, Elaine S. Godfrey, Sydney T. Sevier, Richard T. Marcy & Vykinta Kligyte - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):33-39.
    Although Responsible Conduct of Research training is common in the sciences, the effectiveness of RCR training is open to question. Three key factors appear to be particularly important in ensuring the effectiveness of ethics education programs: educational efforts should be tied to day-to-day practices in the field, educational efforts should provide strategies for working through the ethical problems people are likely to encounter in day-to-day practice, and educational efforts should be embedded in a broader program of on-going career development efforts. (...)
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  • Effects of training in the responsible conduct of research: A survey of graduate students in experimental sciences. [REVIEW]Michael Kalichman & Sarah Brown - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (4):487-498.
    In recent years, programs for training in research ethics have become widespread, but very little has been done to assess the effectiveness of this training. Because initial studies have failed to demonstrate a positive impact of research ethics training, this project defined two new outcome variables to be tested in a sample of graduate students at the University of California, San Diego. Trainees were surveyed to assess the role of ethics training in altering their perceptions about their own standards, or (...)
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  • Learning from the literature on collegiate cheating: A review of empirical research. [REVIEW]Deborah Crown & M. Spiller - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (6):229-246.
    The role demographic, personality, and situational factors play in the ethical decision making process has received a significant amount of attention (Ford and Richardson, 1994). However, the empirical research on students' decisions to engage in collegiate cheating has not been included in this literature. This paper reviews the last 25 years of empirical research on collegiate cheating. The individual/situational factor typology from Ford and Richardson's review (1994) is used to compare the two literatures. In addition, issues pertaining to the quantification (...)
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  • A qualitative approach to responsible conduct of research (rcr) training development: Identification of metacognitive strategies.Vykinta Kligyte, Richard T. Marcy, Sydney T. Sevier, Elaine S. Godfrey & Michael D. Mumford - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):3-31.
    Although Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training is common in the sciences, the effectiveness of RCR training is open to question. Three key factors appear to be particularly important in ensuring the effectiveness of ethics education programs: (1) educational efforts should be tied to day-to-day practices in the field, (2) educational efforts should provide strategies for working through the ethical problems people are likely to encounter in day-to-day practice, and (3) educational efforts should be embedded in a broader program of (...)
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  • Student perceptions of the effectiveness of education in the responsible conduct of research.Dena K. Plemmons, Suzanne A. Brody & Michael W. Kalichman - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (3):571-582.
    Responsible conduct of research courses are widely taught, but little is known about the purposes or effectiveness of such courses. As one way to assess the purposes of these courses, students were surveyed about their perspectives after recent completion of one of eleven different research ethics courses at ten different institutions. Participants enrolled in RCR courses in spring and fall of 2003 received a voluntary, anonymous survey from their instructors at the completion of the course. Responses were received from 268 (...)
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  • Mentoring: Some ethical considerations.Vivian Weil - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (4):471-482.
    To counter confusion about the term ‘mentor’, and address concerns about the scarcity of mentoring, I argue for an “honorific” definition, according to which a mentor is virtuous like a saint or hero. Given the unbounded commitment of mentors, mentoring relationships must be voluntary. In contrast, the role of advisor can be specified, mandated, and monitored. I argue that departments and research groups have a moral responsibility to devise a system of roles and structures to meet graduate students’ and postdoctoral (...)
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  • Developing a problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum for professionalism and scientific integrity training for biomedical graduate students.N. L. Jones, A. M. Peiffer, A. Lambros, M. Guthold, A. D. Johnson, M. Tytell, A. E. Ronca & J. C. Eldridge - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (10):614-619.
    A multidisciplinary faculty committee designed a curriculum to shape biomedical graduate students into researchers with a high commitment to professionalism and social responsibility and to provide students with tools to navigate complex, rapidly evolving academic and societal environments with a strong ethical commitment. The curriculum used problem-based learning (PBL), because it is active and learner-centred and focuses on skill and process development. Two courses were developed: Scientific Professionalism: Scientific Integrity addressed discipline-specific and broad professional norms and obligations for the ethical (...)
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  • A Qualitative Approach to Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Development: Identification of Metacognitive Strategies.Kligyte Vykinta, Marcy Richard, Sevier Sydney, Godfrey Elaine & Mumford Michael - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):3-31.
    Although Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training is common in the sciences, the effectiveness of RCR training is open to question. Three key factors appear to be particularly important in ensuring the effectiveness of ethics education programs: (1) educational efforts should be tied to day-to-day practices in the field, (2) educational efforts should provide strategies for working through the ethical problems people are likely to encounter in day-to-day practice, and (3) educational efforts should be embedded in a broader program of (...)
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  • Mentors, advisors and supervisors: Their role in teaching responsible research conduct.Stephanie J. Bird - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (4):455-468.
    Although the terms mentor and thesis advisor (or research supervisor) are often used interchangeably, the responsibilities associated with these roles are distinct, even when they overlap. Neither are role models necessarily mentors, though mentors are role models: good examples are necessary but not sufficient. Mentorship is both a personal and a professional relationship. It has the potential for raising a number of ethical concerns, including issues of accuracy and reliability of the information conveyed, access, stereotyping and tracking of advisees, and (...)
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  • Mentoring: Some ethical considerations. [REVIEW]Dr Vivian Weil - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (4):471-482.
    To counter confusion about the term ‘mentor’, and address concerns about the scarcity of mentoring, I argue for an “honorific” definition, according to which a mentor is virtuous like a saint or hero. Given the unbounded commitment of mentors, mentoring relationships must be voluntary. In contrast, the role of advisor can be specified, mandated, and monitored. I argue that departments and research groups have a moral responsibility to devise a system of roles and structures to meet graduate students’ and postdoctoral (...)
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  • Mentoring and the impact of the research climate.Glyn C. Roberts, Maria Kavussanu & Robert L. Sprague - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (4):525-537.
    In this article, we focus on the mentoring process, and we argue that the internal and external pressures extant at research universities may create a research culture that may be antithetical to appropriate mentoring. We developed a scale based on motivation theory to determine the perceived research culture in departments and research laboratories, and a mentoring scale to determine approaches to mentoring graduate students. Participants were 610 faculty members across 49 departments at a research oriented university. The findings were that (...)
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