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  1. Empirical medical ethics.T. Hope - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (3):219-220.
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  • Withholding/withdrawing treatment from neonates: legislation and official guidelines across Europe.H. E. McHaffie, M. Cuttini, G. Brolz-Voit, L. Randag, R. Mousty, A. M. Duguet, B. Wennergren & P. Benciolini - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (6):440-446.
    Representatives from eight European countries compared the legal, ethical and professional settings within which decision making for neonates takes place. When it comes to limiting treatment there is general agreement across all countries that overly aggressive treatment is to be discouraged. Nevertheless, strong emphasis has been placed on the need for compassionate care even where cure is not possible. Where a child will die irrespective of medical intervention, there is widespread acceptance of the practice of limiting aggressive treatment or alleviating (...)
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  • Prolonging life and allowing death: infants.A. G. Campbell & H. E. McHaffie - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (6):339-344.
    Dilemmas about resuscitation and life-prolonging treatment for severely compromised infants have become increasingly complex as skills in neonatal care have developed. Quality of life and resource issues necessarily influence management. Our Institute of Medical Ethics working party, on whose behalf this paper is written, recognises that the ultimate responsibility for the final decision rests with the doctor in clinical charge of the infant. However, we advocate a team approach to decision-making, emphasising the important role of parents and nurses in the (...)
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  • Assessing empirical research in bioethics.Baruch A. Brody - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 14 (3).
    Empirical research can aid ethical reflection in bioethics by identifying issues, by seeing how they are currently resolved, and by assessing the consequences of these current resolutions. This potential can be misused when the ethical issues in question are fundamentally non-consequentialist or when they are consequentialist but the empirical research fails to address the important consequences. An example of the former problem is some recent studies about bad consequences resulting from commercialized living kidney donor programs. These consequences could be avoided, (...)
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  • Contributions of empirical research to medical ethics.Robert A. Pearlman, Steven H. Miles & Robert M. Arnold - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 14 (3).
    Empirical research pertaining to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), clinician behaviors related to do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders and substituted judgment suggests potential contributions to medical ethics. Research quantifying the likelihood of surviving CPR points to the need for further philosophical analysis of the limitations of the patient autonomy in decision making, the nature and definition of medical futility, and the relationship between futility and professional standards. Research on DNR orders has identified barriers to the goal of patient involvement in these life and death (...)
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