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  1. [no title].Peter van Inwagen - 1988
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  • [no title].R. G. Swinburne - 1989 - Cambridge University Press.
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  • (2 other versions)The Existence of God.Richard Swinburne - 1979 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Richard Swinburne presents a substantially rewritten and updated edition of his most celebrated book. No other work has made a more powerful case for the probability of the existence of God. Swinburne gives a rigorous and penetrating analysis of the most important arguments for theism: the cosmological argument; arguments from the existence of laws of nature and the 'fine-tuning' of the universe; from the occurrence of consciousness and moral awareness; and from miracles and religious experience. He claims that while none (...)
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  • The Coherence of Theism (revised edition).Richard Swinburne - 1977 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This book investigates what it means, and whether it is coherent, to say that there is a God.
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  • Warranted Christian Belief.Alvin Plantinga - 2000 - Philosophia Christi 3 (2):327-328.
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  • An interpretation of religion: human responses to the transcendent.John Hick - 1989 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    This investigation takes full account of the findings of the social and historical sciences while offering a religious interpretation of the religions as different culturally conditioned responses to a transcendent Divine Reality.
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  • The Christian God.Richard Swinburne - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is it for there to be a God, and what reason is there for supposing him to conform to the claims of Christian doctrine? In this pivotal volume of his tetralogy, Richard Swinburne builds a rigorous metaphysical system for describing the world, and applies this to assessing the worth of the Christian tenets of the Trinity and the Incarnation. Part I is dedicated to analyzing the categories needed to address accounts of the divine nature--substance, cause, time, and necessity. Part (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Existence of God.Richard Swinburne - 1981 - Philosophical Quarterly 31 (122):85-88.
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  • (1 other version)Is there a God?Richard Swinburne - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    At least since Darwin's Origin of Species was published in 1859, it has increasingly become accepted that the existence of God is, intellectually, a lost cause, and that religious faith is an entirely non-rational matter--the province of those who willingly refuse to accept the dramatic advances of modern cosmology. Are belief in God and belief in science really mutually exclusive? Or, as noted philosopher of science and religion Richard Swinburne puts forth, can the very same criteria which scientists use to (...)
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  • Was Jesus God?Richard Swinburne - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The orderliness of the universe and the existence of human beings already provides some reason for believing that there is a God - as argued in Richard Swinburne's earlier book Is There a God? Swinburne now claims that it is probable that the main Christian doctrines about the nature of God and his actions in the world are true. In virtue of his omnipotence and perfect goodness, God must be a Trinity, live a human life in order to share our (...)
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  • An Interpretation of Religion: Human Responses to the Transcendent.Eliot Deutsch - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (4):557-562.
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  • (1 other version)Philosophy of Religion: A Contemporary Introduction.Keith E. Yandell - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    _Philosophy of Religion_ provides an account of the central issues and viewpoints in the philosophy of religion but also shows how such issues can be rationally assessed and in what ways competing views can be rationally assessed. It includes major philosophical figures in religious traditions as well as discussions by important contemporary philosophers. Keith Yandell deals lucidly and constructively with representative views from Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. This book will appeal to students of both philosophy and religion (...)
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  • The Fifth Dimension: An Exploration of the Spiritual Realm.John Hick - 2013 - Oneworld Publications.
    Many of us today are all too willing to accept a humanist and scientific account of the universe which considers human existence as a fleeting accident. The triumph of John Hick’s gripping work is his exposure of the radical insufficiency of this view. Drawing on mystical and religious traditions ancient and modern, and spiritual thinkers as diverse as Julian of Norwich and Mahatma Ghandi, he has produced a tightly argued and thoroughly readable case for a bigger, more complete, picture of (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Epistemological Challenge of Religious Pluralism.John Hick - 1997 - Faith and Philosophy 14 (3):277-286.
    A critique of responses to the problem posed to Christian philosophy by the fact of religious plurality by Alvin Plantinga, Peter van lnwagen, and George Mavrodes in the recent Festschrift dedicated to William Alston, and of Alston’s own response to the challenge of religious diversity to his epistemology of religion. His argument that religious experience is a generally reliable basis for belief-formation is by implication transformed by his response to this problem into the principle that Christianity constitutes the sole exception (...)
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  • The Coherence of Theism.I. M. Crombie - 1979 - Philosophical Quarterly 29 (115):185-188.
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  • Truth and the Diversity of Religions.Keith Ward - 1990 - Religious Studies 26 (1):1 - 18.
    I will be concerned with only one problem about truth which is raised by the diversity of religions which exist in the world. The problem is this: many religions claim to state truths about the nature of the universe and human destiny which are important or even necessary for human salvation and ultimate well-being. Many of these truths seem to he incompatible; yet there is no agreed method for deciding which are to he accepted; and equally intelligent, informed, virtuous and (...)
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  • Was Jesus God?Leslie Houlden - 2010 - Religious Studies 46 (2):265-269.
    The orderliness of the universe and the existence of human beings already provides some reason for believing that there is a God - as argued in Richard Swinburne's earlier book Is There a God? Swinburne now claims that it is probable that the main Christian doctrines about the nature of God and his actions in the world are true. In virtue of his omnipotence and perfect goodness, God must be a Trinity, live a human life in order to share our (...)
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  • God and Christianity According To Swinburne.John Hick - 2010 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 2 (1):25 - 37.
    In this paper I discuss critically Richard Swinburne’s concept of God, which I find to be incoherent, and his understanding of Christianity, which I find to be based on a precritical use of the New Testament.
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  • (1 other version)The Concept of Miracle.Richard Swinburne - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (178):366-366.
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  • Prolegomena to religious pluralism: reference and realism in religion.Peter Byrne - 1995 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    This book surveys the thesis that all religions are alike in referring and relating to a single, common transcendent and sacred reality. It treats this thesis as one in the philosophy of religion. In the first chapter pluralism is defined and its core is distinguished from its particular character and defence in the writings of John Hick and others. The underpinnings of pluralism are held to lie in an understanding of reference in religion, the definition of religion, the nature of (...)
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  • Religious pluralism.William L. Rowe - 1999 - Religious Studies 35 (2):139-150.
    According to religious pluralism, the profound differences among the chief objects of adoration in the great religious traditions are largely due to the different ways in which a single transcendent reality is experienced and conceived in human life. The most prominent developer and defender of religious pluralism in the twentieth century is John Hick. Hick uses the expression ‘the Real’ to designate the transcendent reality ‘authentically experienced’ as the different gods and impersonal absolutes worshipped in the major religious traditions. A (...)
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  • Who or What is God, According to John Hick?Daniel Howard-Snyder - 2017 - Topoi 36 (4):571-586.
    I summarize John Hick’s pluralistic theory of the world’s great religions, largely in his own voice. I then focus on the core posit of his theory, what he calls “the Real,” but which I less tendentiously call “Godhick”. Godhick is supposed to be the ultimate religious reality. As such, it must be both possible and capable of explanatory and religious significance. Unfortunately, Godhick is, by definition, transcategorial, i.e. necessarily, for any creaturely conceivable substantial property F, it is neither an F (...)
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  • Prolegomena to Religious Pluralism: Reference and Realism in Religion.Peter Byrne - 1996 - Religious Studies 32 (2):289-292.
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  • John Hick: An Autobiography.John Hick - 2005 - Oneworld Publications.
    From Yorkshire schoolboy to philosopher and theologian of International renown, John Hick tells his life story in this warm and absorbing autobiography. Painting a vivid picture of Twentieth-century soceity, from 1950s America to racial tensions in England and in apartheid-era South Africa, he recounts the events that have shaped his life, including his early conversion to evangelical Christianity, his role as a conscientious objector in the Second World War, and his gradual often controversial- move towards a religious pluralism embracing all (...)
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  • Twentieth-Century Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Volume 5.Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis - 2009 - Routledge.
    The fifth of the five volumes in our History of Western Philosophy of Religion. This volume deals with Western philosophy of religion in the twentieth century. It contains chapters on: James; Bergson; Whitehead; Hartshorne; Dewey; Russell; Scheler; Buber; Maritain; Jaspers; Tillich; Barth; Wittgenstein; Heidegger; Levinas; Weil; Ayer; Alston; Hick; Daly; Derrida; Plantinga; and Swinburne.
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  • Between faith and doubt: dialogues on religion and reason.John Hick - 2010 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This short book is a lively dialogue between a religious believer and a skeptic. It covers all the main issues including different ideas of God, the good and bad in religion, religious experience and neuroscience, pain and suffering, death and life after death, and includes interesting autobiographical revelations.
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  • The Depth of the Riches: Trinity and Religious Ends.S. Mark Heim - 2001 - Modern Theology 17 (1):21-55.
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  • Religious pluralism and the modern world: an ongoing engagement with John Hick.Sharada Sugirtharajah & John Hick (eds.) - 2011 - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    A fascinating collection of essays by leading scholars in the field engage with the idea of religious pluralism mooted by John Hick to offer incisive insights on religious pluralism and related themes and to address practical aspects such as interreligious spirituality and worship in a multi-faith context.
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  • The many gods of Hick and Mavrodes.William Hasker - 2011 - In Raymond VanArragon & Kelly James Clark, Evidence and Religious Belief. Oxford, US: Oxford University Press.
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  • Professor Hick on Religious Pluralism.Harold A. Netland - 1986 - Religious Studies 22 (2):249 - 261.
    The major religious traditions clearly seem to be making very different claims about the nature of the religious ultimate and our relation to this ultimate. For example, orthodox Christians believe in an infinite creator God who has revealed himself definitively in the Incarnation in Jesus. But while affirming that there is one God who is creator and judge, devout Muslims reject as blasphemous any suggestion thatJesus was God incarnate. Theravada Buddhists, on the other hand, do not regard the religious ultimate (...)
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  • The Christian God. [REVIEW]Charles Taliaferro - 1997 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57 (2):473-476.
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  • Religious Pluralism and the Divine: Another Look at John Hick's Neo-Kantian Proposal: PAUL R. EDDY.Paul R. Eddy - 1994 - Religious Studies 30 (4):467-478.
    This study focuses upon the heart of John Hick's pluralistic philosophy of religion – his neo-Kantian response to the problem of conflicting inter-religious conceptions of the divine. Hick attempts to root his proposal in two streams of tradition: the inter-religious awareness of the distinction between the divine in itself vs. the divine as humanly experienced, and a Kantian epistemology. In fact, these attempts are problematic in that his hypothesis introduces a radical subjectivizing element at both junctures. In the end, I (...)
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