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  1. Principles of Biomedical Ethics.Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Tom L. Beauchamp & James F. Childress - 1995 - Hastings Center Report 25 (4):37.
    Book reviewed in this article: Principles of Biomedical Ethics. By Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress.
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  • Nurses experiences of ethical dilemmas: A review.Anita Haahr, Annelise Norlyk, Bente Martinsen & Pia Dreyer - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):258-272.
    Background: Nursing care is rapidly evolving due to the advanced technological and medical development, and also due to an increased focus on standardization and the logic of production, permeating today’s hospital cultures. Nursing is rooted in a holistic approach with an ethical obligation to maintain and respect the individual’s dignity and integrity. However, working within time limits and heavy workload leads to burnout and ethical insensitivity among nurses, and may challenge nurses’ options to act on the basis of ethical and (...)
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  • The Handbook of Conversation Analysis.[author unknown] - 2013
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  • Empirical ethics, context-sensitivity, and contextualism.Albert Musschenga - 2005 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 30 (5):467 – 490.
    In medical ethics, business ethics, and some branches of political philosophy (multi-culturalism, issues of just allocation, and equitable distribution) the literature increasingly combines insights from ethics and the social sciences. Some authors in medical ethics even speak of a new phase in the history of ethics, hailing "empirical ethics" as a logical next step in the development of practical ethics after the turn to "applied ethics." The name empirical ethics is ill-chosen because of its associations with "descriptive ethics." Unlike descriptive (...)
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  • Towards an empirical ethics in care: relations with technologies in health care.Jeannette Pols - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (1):81-90.
    This paper describes the approach of empirical ethics, a form of ethics that integrates non-positivist ethnographic empirical research and philosophy. Empirical ethics as it is discussed here builds on the ‘empirical turn’ in epistemology. It radicalizes the relational approach that care ethics introduced to think about care between people by drawing in relations between people and technologies as things people relate to. Empirical ethics studies care practices by analysing their intra-normativity, or the ways of living together the actors within these (...)
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  • The care perspective and autonomy.Marian A. Verkerk - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 4 (3):289-294.
    In this article I wish to show how care ethics puts forward a fundamental critique on the ideal of independency in human life without thereby discounting autonomy as a moral value altogether. In care ethics, a relational account of autonomy is developed instead. Because care ethics is sometimes criticized in the literature as hopelessly vague and ambiguous, I shall begin by elaborating on how care ethics and its place in ethical theory can be understood. I shall stipulate a definition of (...)
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  • Autonomy in medical ethics after O'Neill.G. M. Stirrat - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (3):127-130.
    Next SectionFollowing the influential Gifford and Reith lectures by Onora O’Neill, this paper explores further the paradigm of individual autonomy which has been so dominant in bioethics until recently and concurs that it is an aberrant application and that conceptions of individual autonomy cannot provide a sufficient and convincing starting point for ethics within medical practice. We suggest that revision of the operational definition of patient autonomy is required for the twenty first century. We follow O’Neill in recommending a principled (...)
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  • Older people’s perceived autonomy in residential care: An integrative review.Tanja Moilanen, Mari Kangasniemi, Oili Papinaho, Mari Mynttinen, Helena Siipi, Sakari Suominen & Riitta Suhonen - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (3):414-434.
    Autonomy has been recognised as a key principle in healthcare, but we still need to develop a consistent understanding of older people’s perceived autonomy in residential care. This study aimed to identify, describe and synthesise previous studies on the perceived autonomy of older people in residential care. Ethical approval was not required, as this was a review of published literature. We carried out an integrative review to synthesise previous knowledge published in peer-review journals in English up to September 2019. Electronic (...)
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  • Advance care planning with chronically ill patients: A relational autonomy approach.Tieghan Killackey, Elizabeth Peter, Jane Maciver & Shan Mohammed - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):360-371.
    Advance care planning is a process that encourages people to identify their values, to reflect upon the meanings and consequences of serious illness, to define goals and preferences for future medical treatment and care, and to discuss these goals with family and health-care providers. Advance care planning is especially important for those who are chronically ill, as patients and their families face a variety of complex healthcare decisions. Participating in advance care planning has been associated with improved outcomes; yet, despite (...)
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  • Ethical issues related to the use of gerontechnology in older people care: A scoping review.Suvi Sundgren, Minna Stolt & Riitta Suhonen - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):88-103.
    Background: Demographic trends indicate growth of population aged 65 and older in Western countries. One of the greatest challenges is to provide high-quality care for all. Technological solutions designed for older people, gerontechnology, can somewhat balance the gap between resources and the increasing demand of healthcare services. However, there are also ethical issues in the use of gerontechnology that need to be pointed out. Purpose: To describe what ethical issues are related to the use of gerontechnology in the care of (...)
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  • Nurse Autonomy as Relational.Chris MacDonald - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (2):194-201.
    This article seeks an improved understanding of nurse autonomy by looking at nursing through the lens of what recent feminist scholars have called ‘relational’ autonomy. A relational understanding of autonomy means a shift away from older views focused on individuals achieving independence, towards a view that seeks meaningful self-direction within a context of interdependency. The main claim made here is that nurse autonomy is, indeed, relational. The article begins with an explanation of the notion of relational autonomy. It then explains (...)
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  • Patient autonomy in home care: Nurses’ relational practices of responsibility.Gaby Jacobs - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1638-1653.
    Background: Over the last decade, new healthcare policies are transforming healthcare practices towards independent living and self-care of older people and people with a chronic disease or disability within the community. For professional caregivers in home care, such as nurses, this requires a shift from a caring attitude towards the promotion of patient autonomy. Aim: To explore how nurses in home care deal with the transformation towards fostering patient autonomy and self-care. Research design and context: A case study was conducted (...)
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  • Two concepts of empirical ethics.Malcolm Parker - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (4):202-213.
    The turn to empirical ethics answers two calls. The first is for a richer account of morality than that afforded by bioethical principlism, which is cast as excessively abstract and thin on the facts. The second is for the facts in question to be those of human experience and not some other, unworldly realm. Empirical ethics therefore promises a richer naturalistic ethics, but in fulfilling the second call it often fails to heed the metaethical requirements related to the first. Empirical (...)
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  • Perceptions of Autonomy in the Care of Elderly People in Five European Countries.P. Anne Scott, Maritta Välimäki, Helena Leino-Kilpi, Theo Dassen, Maria Gasull, Chryssoula Lemonidou, Marianne Arndt, Anja Schopp, Riitta Suhonen & Anne Kaljonen - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (1):28-38.
    The focus of this article is perceptions of elderly patients and nurses regarding patients’ autonomy in nursing practice. Autonomy is empirically defined as having two components: information received/given as a prerequisite and decision making as the action. The results indicated differences between staff and patient perceptions of patient autonomy for both components in all five countries in which this survey was conducted. There were also differences between countries in the perceptions of patients and nurses regarding the frequency with which patients (...)
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  • Ethical openings in palliative home care practice.Anna Santos Salas & Brenda L. Cameron - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (5):655-665.
    Understanding how a nurse acts in a particular situation reveals how nurses enact their ethics in day-to-day nursing. Our ethical frameworks assist us when we experience serious ethical dilemmas. Yet how a nurse responds in situations of daily practice is contingent upon all the presenting cues that build the current moment. In this article, we look at how a home care nurse responds to the ethical opening that arises when the nurse enters a person’s home. We discuss how the home (...)
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  • Process Consent and Research with Older Persons Living with Dementia.Jan Dewing - 2008 - Research Ethics 4 (2):59-64.
    There is always a debate around consent in the context of research. Given the expansion of different approaches to qualitative research within dementia care, there is increasing consideration around consent in this context; particularly in research concerning the experiences of living with dementia and the care of persons with dementia. Specifically there is a drive to directly involve persons with dementia as they offer specific expertise concerning living with dementia. Additionally, capacity legislation strengthens the case for ensuring that persons with (...)
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