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  1. Can we learn from eugenics?D. Wikler - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (2):183-194.
    Eugenics casts a long shadow over contemporary genetics. Any measure, whether in clinical genetics or biotechnology, which is suspected of eugenic intent is likely to be opposed on that ground. Yet there is little consensus on what this word signifies, and often only a remote connection to the very complex set of social movements which took that name. After a brief historical summary of eugenics, this essay attempts to locate any wrongs inherent in eugenic doctrines. Four candidates are examined and (...)
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  • What counts as success in genetic counselling?R. F. Chadwick - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (1):43-49.
    The question of what counts as a successful outcome of the process of genetics counselling has recently become central because of the increasing calls for efficiency in health care, and for means of measuring efficiency. Angus Clarke has drawn attention to this trend, and has argued against both a measure in terms of the number of terminations of pregnancy performed as a result of counselling, and an assessment in terms of the contribution of genetics counselling to a national eugenics policy. (...)
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  • Procreative Beneficence: Why We Should Select the Best Children.Julian Savulescu - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (5-6):413-426.
    We have a reason to use information which is available about such genes in our reproductive decision-making; (3) couples should selec.
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  • Eugenics Is Alive and Well: A Survey of Genetic Professionals around the World.Dorothy C. Wertz - 1998 - Science in Context 11 (3-4):493-510.
    The ArgumentA survey of 2901 genetics professionals in 36 nations suggests that eugenic thought underlies their perceptions of the goals of genetics and that directiveness in counseling after prenatal diagnosis leads to individual decisions based on pessimistically biaed information, especially in developing nations of Asia and Eastern Europe. The “non-directive counseling” found in English-speaking nations is an aberration from the rest of the world. Most geneticists, except in China, rejected government involvement in premarital testing or sterilization, but most also held (...)
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  • Prenatal Diagnosis for "Minor" Genetic Abnormalities is Ethical.Robert J. Boyle & Julian Savulescu - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (1):60-65.
    Is it justified to detect minor genetic aberrations before birth and terminate pregnancies based upon such information? We present the case of a woman who wanted Prenatal Diagnosis to detect whether her female fetus was a Haemophilia mutation carrier. Such carriers are usually healthy.She wished to eradicate the Haemophilia mutation from her family to avoid future generations being affected and to protect her children from having to go through PND themselves. We explore existing practice guidelines, public attitudes and possible objections (...)
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  • Genetic Counseling and the Disabled: Feminism Examines the Stance of Those Who Stand at the Gate.Annette Patterson & Martha Satz - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (3):118-142.
    This essay examines the possible systematic bias against the disabled in the structure and practice of genetic counseling. Finding that the profession's “nondirective” imperative remains problematic, the authors recommend that methodology developed by feminist standpoint epistemology be used to incorporate the perspective of disabled individuals in genetic counselors' education and practice, thereby reforming society's view of the disabled and preventing possible negative effects of genetic counseling on the self-concept and material circumstance of disabled individuals.
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  • Eugenics and the Left.Diane Paul - 1984 - Journal of the History of Ideas 45 (4):567.
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  • Screening for disability: a eugenic pursuit?John Gillott - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (suppl 2):21-23.
    This article is written in response to the idea that selective termination may be eugenic. It points out that a mixture of motives and goals may inform screening programmes and selective termination for fetal abnormality without the intention being “eugenic”. The paper locates modern genetics within the tradition of humanist medicine by suggesting that parents who choose to terminate a pregnancy because of fetal abnormalities are not making moral judgments about those who are living with these abnormalities already. Rather they (...)
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  • Can sex selection be ethically tolerated?B. M. Dickens - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (6):335-336.
    Prohibition on sex selection may well be unnecessary and oppressive as well as posing risks to women’s lives The urge to select children’s sex is not new. The Babylonian Talmud, a Jewish text completed towards the end of the fifth century of the Christian era, advises couples on means to favour the birth of either a male or a female child.1 The development of amniocentesis alerted the public in the mid-1970s to the scientific potential for prenatal determination of fetal sex,2 (...)
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  • Parental Autonomy and the Obligation Not to Harm One's Child Genetically.Ronald M. Green - 1997 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 25 (1):5-15.
    Until recently, genetics counselors and medical geneticists considered themselves lucky if they could provide parents with predictive information about a small number of severe genetic disorders. Testing and counseling were indicated primarily for conditions of thithis s sort. Out of respect for the autonomy of parental reproductive decision making, the prevailing ethic of genetic counseling stressed nondirectiveness and value neutrality As summarized by Arthur Caplan, the hallmarks of this stance includea willingness to provide testing and counseling to all who voluntarily (...)
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  • Is current practice around late termination of pregnancy eugenic and discriminatory? Maternal interests and abortion.Julian Savulescu - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):165-171.
    The attitudes of Australian practitioners working in clinical genetics and obstetrical ultrasound were surveyed on whether termination of pregnancy (TOP) should be available for conditions ranging from mild to severe fetal abnormality and for non-medical reasons.These were compared for terminations at 13 weeks and 24 weeks. It was found that some practitioners would not facilitate TOP at 24 weeks even for lethal or major abnormalities, fewer practitioners support TOP at 24 weeks compared with 13 weeks for any condition, and the (...)
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  • Prenatal Screening, Reproductive Choice, and Public Health.Stephen Wilkinson - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (1):26-35.
    One widely held view of prenatal screening is that its foremost aim is, or should be, to enable reproductive choice; this is the Pure Choice view. The article critiques this position by comparing it with an alternative: Public Health Pluralism. It is argued that there are good reasons to prefer the latter, including the following. Public Health Pluralism does not, as is often supposed, render PNS more vulnerable to eugenics-objections. The Pure Choice view, if followed through to its logical conclusions, (...)
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  • Book Reviews. [REVIEW]Diane B. Paul - 1999 - Journal of the History of Biology 32 (2):395-420.
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  • Choices, reasons and feelings: Prenatal diagnosis as disability dilemma.Thomas William Shakespeare - 2011 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 5 (1):37-43.
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  • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis and the 'new' eugenics.D. S. King - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (2):176-182.
    Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PID) is often seen as an improvement upon prenatal testing. I argue that PID may exacerbate the eugenic features of prenatal testing and make possible an expanded form of free-market eugenics. The current practice of prenatal testing is eugenic in that its aim is to reduce the numbers of people with genetic disorders. Due to social pressures and eugenic attitudes held by clinical geneticists in most countries, it results in eugenic outcomes even though no state coercion is (...)
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  • Response to: What counts as success in genetic counselling?Angus Clarke - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (1):47-49.
    Clinical genetics encompasses a wider range of activities than discussion of reproductive risks and options. Hence, it is possible for a clinical geneticist to reduce suffering associated with genetic disease without aiming to reduce the birth incidence of such diseases. Simple cost-benefit analyses of genetic-screening programmes are unacceptable; more sophisticated analyses of this type have been devised but entail internal inconsistencies and do not seem to result in changed clinical practice. The secondary effects of screening programmes must be assessed before (...)
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  • Facing Carrie Buck.Paul A. Lombardo - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (2):14-17.
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