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  1. .Michael I. Posner & Charles R. Snyder - 2004 - Psychology Press.
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  • The Strategy of Conflict: With a New Preface by the Author.Thomas C. Schelling - 1960 - Harvard University Press.
    Analyzes the nature of international disagreements and conflict resolution in terms of game theory and non-zero-sum games.
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  • Theory of International Politics.Kenneth Neal Waltz - 1979 - Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
    Forfatterens mål med denne bog er: 1) Analyse af de gældende teorier for international politik og hvad der heri er lagt størst vægt på. 2) Konstruktion af en teori for international politik som kan kan råde bod på de mangler, der er i de nu gældende. 3) Afprøvning af den rekonstruerede teori på faktiske hændelsesforløb.
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  • .Maryanne Kline Horowitz (ed.) - 2005 - Charles Scribner’s Sons.
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  • The Complexity of System Effects.Andrea Jones-Rooy & Scott E. Page - 2012 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 24 (3):313-342.
    Complexity science has witnessed a number of advances since the publication of Jervis's System Effects. These advances better allow us to untangle the messy elements in a system and predict sets of likely outcomes. However, just because a system is complex doesn't mean that all the ideas relating to complexity—such as agent-based modeling, path dependency, tipping points, between-class versus within-class effects, and networks—are necessarily relevant. One of our tasks is to determine whether they are—and, if so, their implications. As examples, (...)
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  • Should “Systems Thinkers” Accept the Limits on Political Forecasting or Push the Limits?Philip E. Tetlock, Michael C. Horowitz & Richard Herrmann - 2012 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 24 (3):375-391.
    Historical analysis and policy making often require counterfactual thought experiments that isolate hypothesized causes from a vast array of historical possibilities. However, a core precept of Jervis's “systems thinking” is that causes are so interconnected that the historian can only with great difficulty imagine causation by subtracting all variables but one. Prediction, according to Jervis, is even more problematic: The more sensitive an event is to initial conditions (e.g., butterfly effects), the harder it is to derive accurate forecasts. Nevertheless, if (...)
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  • System Effects: Complexity in Political and Social Life.Robert Jervis - 1997
    Based on more than three decades of observation, Robert Jervis concludes in this provocative book that the very foundations of many social science theories--especially those in political science--are faulty. Taking insights from complexity theory as his point of departure, the author observes that we live in a world where things are interconnected, where unintended consequences of our actions are unavoidable and unpredictable, and where the total effect of behavior is not equal to the sum of individual actions. Jervis draws on (...)
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  • The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past.John Lewis Gaddis - 2004 - Oxford University Press USA.
    What is history and why should we study it? Is there such a thing as historical truth? Is history a science? One of the most accomplished historians at work today, John Lewis Gaddis, answers these and other questions in this short, witty, and humane book. The Landscape of History is at once an engaging introduction to the historical method for beginners, a powerful reaffirmation of it for practitioners, a startling challenge to social scientists, and an effective skewering of post-modernist claims (...)
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  • We Can Never Study Merely One Thing: Reflections on Systems Thinking and Ir.Nuno P. Monteiro - 2012 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 24 (3):343-366.
    Robert Jervis's System Effects was published just as systems thinking began to decline among political scientists, who were adopting increasingly strict standards of causal identification, privileging experimental and large-N studies. Many politically consequential system effects are not amenable to research designs that meet these standards, yet they must nonetheless be studied if the most important questions of international politics are to be answered. For example, if nuclear weapons are considered in light of their effect on the international system as a (...)
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  • Jervis on Complexity Theory.Richard A. Posner - 2012 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 24 (3):367-373.
    The correct solution to complex problems, such as those involved in international relations, can generally be discovered ex post but not predicted ex ante. Economics and game theory attempt to model such complexity, but have difficulty taking into account psychological subtleties, the myriad factors that each agent considers when making a decision, and cultural differences. And understanding that one is dealing with a system—that is, with interacting factors instead of with insulated monads—may not make the questions any more amenable to (...)
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