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  1. Spaces of Hope.David Harvey - 2001 - Utopian Studies 12 (1):194-195.
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  • Raising organic: An agro-ecological assessment of grower practices in California. [REVIEW]Julie Guthman - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (3):257-266.
    As the organic food sector has grownand changed to become more mainstream, large-scaleconventional growers have entered into organicproduction. While it is increasingly clear that notall organic farms are self-sufficient small scaleunits that practice poly-cultural agronomy and sell inlocal marketing venues, there still exists apresumption that there are clear lines between thesmall scale ``movement'' farmers who followagro-ecological agronomic ideals and the relativelylarger and partly conventional newcomers who do not.This paper addresses a specific empirical issue, whichis the extent to which California organic (...)
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  • Advancing the human right to food in Canada: Social policy and the politics of hunger, welfare, and food security. [REVIEW]Graham Riches - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (2):203-211.
    This article argues that hunger in Canada, while being an outcome of unemployment, low incomes, and inadequate welfare, springs also from the failure to recognize and implement the human right to food. Food security has, however, largely been ignored by progressive social policy analysis. Barriers standing in the way of achieving food security include the increasing commodification of welfare and the corporatization of food, the depoliticization of hunger by governments and the voluntary sector, and, most particularly, the neglect by the (...)
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  • Tasting Food, Tasting Freedom: Excursions Into Eating, Culture, and the Past.Sidney Wilfred Mintz - 1996 - Beacon Press (MA).
    "Food is a central element of expression in all cultures. What and how we eat, and with whom, reveals much about our desires and relationships. In Tasting Food, Tasting Freedom, Sidney W. Mintz shows how our choices about food are shaped by a vast and increasingly complex global economy. Taking as examples everything from sugar's ascendance over honey as the most commonly used sweetener to the worldwide distribution of Coca-Cola, Mintz demonstrates how our consumption of a food can be shaped (...)
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  • Community food security: Practice in need of theory? [REVIEW]Molly D. Anderson & John T. Cook - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (2):141-150.
    Practitioners and advocates of community food security (CFS) envision food systems that are decentralized, environmentally-sound over a long time-frame, supportive of collective rather than only individual needs, effective in assuring equitable food access, and created by democratic decision-making. These themes are loosely connected in literature about CFS, with no logical linkages among them. Clear articulation in a theoretical framework is needed for CFS to be effective as a guide for policy and action. CFS theory should delimit the level of analysis (...)
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  • Reweaving the food security safety net: Mediating entitlement and entrepreneurship. [REVIEW]Patricia Allen - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (2):117-129.
    The American food system has produced both abundance and food insecurity, with production and consumption dealt with as separate issues. The new approach of community food security (CFS) seeks to re-link production and consumption, with the goal of ensuring both an adequate and accessible food supply in the present and the future. In its focus on consumption, CFS has prioritized the needs of low-income people; in its focus on production, it emphasizes local and regional food systems. These objectives are not (...)
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  • Placing the food system on the urban agenda: The role of municipal institutions in food systems planning. [REVIEW]Kameshwari Pothukuchi & Jerome L. Kaufman - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (2):213-224.
    Food issues are generally regarded as agricultural and rural issues. The urban food system is less visible than such other systems as transportation, housing, employment, or even the environment. The reasons for its low visibility include the historic process by which issues and policies came to be defined as urban; the spread of processing, refrigeration, and transportation technology together with cheap, abundant energy that rendered invisible the loss of farmland around older cities; and the continuing institutional separation of urban and (...)
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  • Not just what, but how: Creating agricultural sustainability and food security by changing Canada's agricultural policy making process. [REVIEW]Rod MacRae - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (2):187-202.
    Agriculture has been enormously productive in recent decades. The main problem is that fragmentation of issues, knowledge, and responsibilities has hidden the costs associated with this success. These are mainly environmental, social, and health costs, which have been assigned to other ministries, with their own histories unconnected to agriculture. Now that agricultural policy has achieved its success, its costs are becoming apparent. The current system is preoccupied with traditional views of competitiveness and efficiency. Policies, programs, and regulations are organized to (...)
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  • Solidarity in the age of globalization: Lessons from the anti-MAI and Zapatista struggles. [REVIEW]Josée Johnston & Gordon Laxer - 2003 - Theory and Society 32 (1):39-91.
    While the Battle of Seattle immortalized a certain image of anti-globalization resistance, processes and agents of contestation remain sociologically underdeveloped. Even with the time-space compression afforded by new information technologies, how can a global civil society emerge among multi-cultured, multi-tongued peoples divided by miles of space and oceans of inequality? This article examines two cases that confronted the U.S. model of global corporate rule: the defeat of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), and the Zapatista challenge to the North American (...)
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  • Toward a New Common Sense: Law, Science and Politics in the Paradigmatic Transition.Boaventura de Sousa Santos - 1995
    Considering the paradigm of modernity's three key concepts --law, power, and science--Santos argues for extensive epistemological shifts in the field of critical social thought. He traces the historical process by which both modern science and modern law lost the balance between social regulation and social emancipation inscribed originally in the paradigm of modernity. Pleading for a new dialogic rhetoric and moving back and forth between solid empirical work and highly innovative and far reaching theorizing, he deals with diverse topics.
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  • Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in a Global Age.Michael H. Shuman - 2002 - Utopian Studies 13 (2):215-218.
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