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  1. Meeting the universe halfway: quantum physics and the entanglement of matter and meaning.Karen Barad - 2007 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    A theoretical physicist and feminist theorist, Karen Barad elaborates her theory of agential realism, a schema that is at once a new epistemology, ontology, and ethics.
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  • Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective.Donna Haraway - 1988 - Feminist Studies 14 (3):575-599.
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  • Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory.Rosi Braidotti - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    _Nomadic Subjects_ argues for a new kind of philosophical thinking, one that would include the insights of feminism and abandon the hegemonic mode that is conventionally adopted in high theory. Braidotti's personal, surprising, and lively prose insists on an integration of feminism in mainstream discourse. The essays explore problems that are central to current feminist debates including Western epistemology's relation to the "woman question," feminism and biomedical ethics, European feminism, and how American feminists might relate to European movements.
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  • A Theoretical Framework for the Critical Posthumanities.Rosi Braidotti - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (6):31-61.
    What are the parameters that define a posthuman knowing subject, her scientific credibility and ethical accountability? Taking the posthumanities as an emergent field of enquiry based on the convergence of posthumanism and post-anthropocentrism, I argue that posthuman knowledge claims go beyond the critiques of the universalist image of ‘Man’ and of human exceptionalism. The conceptual foundation I envisage for the critical posthumanities is a neo-Spinozist monistic ontology that assumes radical immanence, i.e. the primacy of intelligent and self-organizing matter. This implies (...)
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  • Algorithms as culture: Some tactics for the ethnography of algorithmic systems.Nick Seaver - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (2).
    This article responds to recent debates in critical algorithm studies about the significance of the term “algorithm.” Where some have suggested that critical scholars should align their use of the term with its common definition in professional computer science, I argue that we should instead approach algorithms as “multiples”—unstable objects that are enacted through the varied practices that people use to engage with them, including the practices of “outsider” researchers. This approach builds on the work of Laura Devendorf, Elizabeth Goodman, (...)
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  • Algorithms in practice: Comparing web journalism and criminal justice.Angèle Christin - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (2).
    Big Data evangelists often argue that algorithms make decision-making more informed and objective—a promise hotly contested by critics of these technologies. Yet, to date, most of the debate has focused on the instruments themselves, rather than on how they are used. This article addresses this lack by examining the actual practices surrounding algorithmic technologies. Specifically, drawing on multi-sited ethnographic data, I compare how algorithms are used and interpreted in two institutional contexts with markedly different characteristics: web journalism and criminal justice. (...)
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  • Deconstructing the algorithmic sublime.Morgan G. Ames - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (1).
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  • Digital companion species and eating data: Implications for theorising digital data–human assemblages.Deborah Lupton - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    This commentary is an attempt to begin to identify and think through some of the ways in which sociocultural theory may contribute to understandings of the relationship between humans and digital data. I develop an argument that rests largely on the work of two scholars in the field of science and technology studies: Donna Haraway and Annemarie Mol. Both authors emphasised materiality and multiple ontologies in their writing. I argue that these concepts have much to offer critical data studies. I (...)
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  • A not quite random walk: Experimenting with the ethnomethods of the algorithm.Malte Ziewitz - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (2).
    Algorithms have become a widespread trope for making sense of social life. Science, finance, journalism, warfare, and policing—there is hardly anything these days that has not been specified as “algorithmic.” Yet, although the trope has brought together a variety of audiences, it is not quite clear what kind of work it does. Often portrayed as powerful yet inscrutable entities, algorithms maintain an air of mystery that makes them both interesting and difficult to understand. This article takes on this problem and (...)
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  • The Concept of Algorithm as an Interpretative Key of Modern Rationality.Paolo Totaro & Domenico Ninno - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (4):29-49.
    According to Ernst Cassirer, the transition from the concept of substance to that of mathematical function as a guide of knowledge coincided with the end of ancient and the beginning of modern theoretical thought. In the first part of this article we argue that a similar transition has also taken place in the practical sphere, where mathematical function occurs in one of its specific forms, which is that of the algorithm concept. In the second part we argue that with the (...)
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  • Algorithmic affordances for productive resistance.Nancy Ettlinger - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (1).
    Although overarching if not foundational conceptualizations of digital governance in the field of critical data studies aptly account for and explain subjection, calculated resistance is left conceptually unattended despite case studies that document instances of resistance. I ask at the outset why conceptualizations of digital governance are so bleak, and I argue that all are underscored implicitly by a Deleuzian theory of desire that overlooks agency, defined here in Foucauldian terms. I subsequently conceptualize digital governance as encompassing subjection as well (...)
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  • On Organizing Algorithms.Daniel Neyland - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (1):119-132.
    This short paper acts as a comment on Totaro and Ninno's ‘The Concept of Algorithm as an Interpretative Key of Modern Rationality’ and also introduces some new avenues for exploring the organization of algorithms. In recent discussion of algorithms, concerns have been expressed regarding the apparent power, agential capacity and control that algorithms command of our lives ( Beer, 2009 ; Lash, 2007 ; Slavin, 2011 ; Spring, 2011 ; Stalder and Mayer, 2009 ). The logic of order, if there (...)
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  • STS, Meet Data Science, Once Again.David Ribes - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (3):514-539.
    Science and technology studies and the emerging field of data science share surprising elective affinities. At the growing intersections of these fields, there will be many opportunities and not a few thorny difficulties for STS scholars. First, I discuss how both fields frame the rollout of data science as a simultaneously social and technical endeavor, even if in distinct ways and for diverging purposes. Second, I discuss the logic of domains in contemporary computer, information, and data science circles. While STS (...)
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  • Algorithms as folding: Reframing the analytical focus.Robin Williams, Claes-Fredrik Helgesson, Lukas Engelmann, Jeffrey Christensen, Jess Bier & Francis Lee - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    This article proposes an analytical approach to algorithms that stresses operations of folding. The aim of this approach is to broaden the common analytical focus on algorithms as biased and opaque black boxes, and to instead highlight the many relations that algorithms are interwoven with. Our proposed approach thus highlights how algorithms fold heterogeneous things: data, methods and objects with multiple ethical and political effects. We exemplify the utility of our approach by proposing three specific operations of folding—proximation, universalisation and (...)
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  • A grammar of motives, and A rhetoric of motives.Kenneth Burke - 1962 - Cleveland,: World Pub. Co..
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  • Platform affordances and data practices: The value of dispute on Wikipedia.Erik Borra & Esther Weltevrede - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    In this paper we introduce the device perspective as a methodological contribution to platform studies. Through an engagement with debates about the notion of affordances, which focus on the relation between the technical and the social, we put forward an approach to study the production of data within platforms by engaging with the material properties of platforms as well as their interpretation and deployment by various types of users. As a case in point, we study how the affordances of Wikipedia (...)
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  • Toward a computational hermeneutics.Ronald L. Breiger, Robin Wagner-Pacifici & John W. Mohr - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    We describe some of the ways that the field of content analysis is being transformed in an Era of Big Data. We argue that content analysis, from its beginning, has been concerned with extracting the main meanings of a text and mapping those meanings onto the space of a textual corpus. In contrast, we suggest that the emergence of new styles of text mining tools is creating an opportunity to develop a different kind of content analysis that we describe as (...)
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  • Between technical features and analytic capabilities: Charting a relational affordance space for digital social analytics.Anders Koed Madsen - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (1).
    Digital social analytics is a subset of Big Data methods that is used to understand the social environment in which people and organizations have to act. This paper presents an analysis of eight projects that are experimenting with the use of these methods for various purposes. It shows that two specific technological features influence the work with such methods in all the cases. The first concerns the need to distribute choices about the structure of data to third-party actors and the (...)
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  • Algorithmic culture and the colonization of life-worlds.Andrew Simon Gilbert - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 146 (1):87-96.
    This article explores some of the concerns which are being raised about algorithms with recourse to Habermas’s theory of communicative action. The intention is not to undertake an empirical examination of ‘algorithms’ or their consequences but to connect critical theory to some contemporary concerns regarding digital cultures. Habermas’s ‘colonization of life-worlds’ thesis gives theoretical expression to two different trends which underlie many current criticisms of the insidious influence of digital algorithms: the privatization of communication, and the particularization of knowledge and (...)
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  • Response to Dick Pels.Rosi Braidotti - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (1):87-93.
    In response to Dick Pels's critical remarks, this article attempts to contextualize, historically and conceptually, some of the main points of poststructuralist philosophies of subjectivity. Special emphasis is placed on outlining and defending the political relevance of the `linguistic turn', especially of the kind of interventions upon language which poststructuralism and deconstruction are so often criticized for. Throughout this article, ample cross-reference is made to feminist theory and epistemology.
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  • Stacked spaces: Mapping digital infrastructures.Till Straube - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    This article turns towards the spatial life of ‘digital infrastructures’, i.e. code, protocols, standards, and data formats that are hidden from view in everyday applications of computational technologies. It does so by drawing on the version control system Git as a case study, and telling the story of its initial development in order to reconstruct the circumstances and technical considerations surrounding its conception. This account engages with computational infrastructures on their own terms by adopting the figure of the ‘stack’ to (...)
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  • The drama in the routine: A prolegomenon to a praxiological sociology.Stanford M. Lyman - 1990 - Sociological Theory 8 (2):217-223.
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