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  1. What is the CSR’s Focus in Healthcare?Fabrizio Russo - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (2):323-334.
    The concept of corporate social responsibility has been the subject of several academic contributions, but in the health sector the development of an interest in this subject is very recent. Although many practices in healthcare are already socially responsible, progressing from a series of socially responsible behaviours to a socially responsible organization entails a more consolidated awareness of the health sector’s mission and the needs of its participants. In this paper, we will review the different studies published that address the (...)
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  • Corporate moral responsibility: What can we infer from our understanding of organisations? [REVIEW]Stephen Wilmot - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 30 (2):161 - 169.
    The question of corporate moral responsibility – whether corporate bodies can be held morally responsible for their actions – has been debated by a number of writers since the 1970s. This discussion is intended to add to that debate, and focuses for that purpose on our understanding of the organisation. Though the integrity of the organisation has been called into question by the postmodern view of organisations, that view does not necessarily rule out the attribution of corporate agency, any more (...)
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  • Relationships and burden: An empirical‐ethical investigation of lived experience in home nursing arrangements.Anna‐Henrikje Seidlein, Ines Buchholz, Maresa Buchholz & Sabine Salloch - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (4):448-456.
    Quantitative research has called attention to the burden associated with informal caregiving in home nursing arrangements. Less emphasis has been placed, however, on care recipients’ subjective feelings of being a burden and on caregivers’ willingness to carry the burden in home care. This article uses empirical material from semi‐structured interviews conducted with older people affected by multiple chronic conditions and in need of long‐term home care, and with informal and professional caregivers, as two groups of relevant others. The high burden (...)
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  • Moral Distress, Moral Residue, and the Crescendo Effect.Elizabeth Gingell Epstein & Ann Baile Hamric - 2009 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (4):330-342.
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  • Moral injury in healthcare professionals: A scoping review and discussion.Anto Čartolovni, Minna Stolt, P. Anne Scott & Riitta Suhonen - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (5):590-602.
    Moral injury emerged in the healthcare discussion quite recently because of the difficulties and challenges healthcare workers and healthcare systems face in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moral injury involves a deep emotional wound and is unique to those who bear witness to intense human suffering and cruelty. This article aims to synthesise the very limited evidence from empirical studies on moral injury and to discuss a better understanding of the concept of moral injury, its importance in the healthcare (...)
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  • (1 other version)Miserable conditions in hospitals, institutional pathologies and clinical organizational ethics.Matthias Kettner - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (2):159-175.
    Definition of the problemStaff and patients in institutions of organized health care experience and express a variety of adverse conditions of these organizations. Within a theoretical framework of institutional pathology we can explain some of these “miserable conditions” as effects of the activities of organizations belonging to the political system (health policy) and to the economic system (health economy). Clinical ethics committees (CECs) cannot effectively handle such adversities or even address them properly. Standard organizational ethics can address them but cannot (...)
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  • Moral Distress: Professional Integrity as the Basis for Taxonomies.Tessy Ann Thomas & Courtenay Rose Bruce - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (12):11-13.
    There has been an ongoing appeal in the bioethics literature for a broader understanding and conceptual clarity of the phenomenon of moral distress. Several authors argue that greater conceptual cl...
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  • (1 other version)Miseren des Krankenhauses, institutionelle Pathologien und klinische Organisationsethik.Matthias Kettner - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (2):159-175.
    Personal und Patienten in Einrichtungen organisierter Krankenbehandlung erfahren und bekunden vielfältige miserable Zustände dieser Organisationen. Einige „Miseren“ lassen sich im Rahmen einer Theorie institutioneller Pathologien als störende Auswirkungen der Aktivitäten und Strukturen von Organisationen des Politiksystems und des Wirtschaftssystems erklären. Deshalb können Klinische Ethik-Komitees solchen Miseren nicht wirksam begegnen oder sie sogar nicht einmal thematisieren. Organisationsethik kann sie thematisieren, aber ihnen nicht wirksam begegnen. Vorgeschlagen wird die Verstärkung von Organisationethik durch eine Theorie institutioneller Pathologie. Institutionspathologisch aufgeklärte, „klinische“ Organisationsethik kann helfen, (...)
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