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The Philosophical Controversy over Political Forgiveness

In Paul van Tongeren, Neelke Doorn & Bas van Stokkom, Public Forgiveness in Post-Conflict Contexts. Intersentia. pp. 37-64 (2012)

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  1. On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness.Jacques Derrida - 2001 - Routledge.
    One of the world's most famous philosophers, Jacques Derrida, explores difficult questions in this important and engaging book. Is it still possible to uphold international hospitality and justice in the face of increasing nationalism and civil strife in so many countries? Drawing on examples of treatment of minority groups in Europe, he skilfully and accessibly probes the thinking that underlies much of the practice, and rhetoric, that informs cosmopolitanism. What have duties and rights to do with hospitality? Should hospitality be (...)
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  • Forgiveness: A Philosophical Exploration.Charles L. Griswold - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Nearly everyone has wronged another. Who among us has not longed to be forgiven? Who has not struggled to forgive? Charles Griswold has written the first comprehensive philosophical book on forgiveness in both its interpersonal and political contexts, as well as its relation to reconciliation. Having examined the place of forgiveness in ancient philosophy and in modern thought, he discusses what forgiveness is, what conditions the parties to it must meet, its relation to revenge and hatred, when it is permissible (...)
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  • Forgiveness and Mercy.Jeffrie G. Murphy & Jean Hampton - 1988 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book focuses on the degree to which certain moral and legal doctrines are rooted in specific passions that are then institutionalised in the form of criminal law. A philosophical analysis is developed of the following questions: when, if ever, should hatred be overcome by sympathy or compassion? What are forgiveness and mercy and to what degree do they require - both conceptually and morally - the overcoming of certain passions and the motivation by other passions? If forgiveness and mercy (...)
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  • Memory, History, Forgetting.Paul Ricoeur - 2004 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Firstly, Paul Ricoeur takes a phenomenological approach to memory. He then addresses recent work by historians by reopening the question of the nature and truth of historical knowledge. Finally, he describes the necessity of forgetting as a condition for the possibility of remembering.
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  • Forgiveness from a Feminist Perspective.Kathryn Norlock - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    In this monograph, I offer feminist reasons to develop a multidimensional account of forgiveness as a moral, and therefore at least partially deliberative, action or set of actions, which functions as a remedy in responding to blame or condemnation, releasing offenders from the fullness of their blameworthiness, in relational contexts which therefore require considerations of power between relata. I rely on feminist philosophical account of the relational self in order to contextualise these power relations. I provide accounts of forgiveness as (...)
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  • Forgiveness and Revenge.Trudy Govier - 2002 - Routledge.
    Forgiveness and Revenge is a powerful exploration of our attitudes to serious wrongdoings and a careful examination of the values that underlie our thinking about revenge and forgiveness. From adulterous spouses to terrorist factions, we are surrounded by wrongdoing, yet we rarely agree which response is appropriate. The problem of how to respond realistically and sensitively to the wrongs of the past remains a perplexing one. Trudy Govier clarifies our thinking on this subject by examining the moral and practical impact (...)
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  • The Question of German Guilt.Karl Jaspers - 2008 - In Guénaël Mettraux, Perspectives on the Nuremberg Trial. Oxford University Press.
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  • An ethic for enemies: forgiveness in politics.Donald W. Shriver - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Our century has witnessed violence on an unprecedented scale, in wars that have torn deep into the fabric of national and international life. And as we can see in the recent strife in Bosnia, genocide in Rwanda, and the ongoing struggle to control nuclear weaponry, ancient enmities continue to threaten the lives of masses of human beings. As never before, the question is urgent and practical: How can nations--or ethnic groups, or races--after long, bitter struggles, learn to live side by (...)
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  • Forgiveness and Revenge.Trudy Govier - 2004 - Philosophy 79 (307):146-149.
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  • The Standing to Forgive.Glen Pettigrove - 2009 - The Monist 92 (4):583-603.
    In the philosophical literature on forgiveness it is almost universally assumed that only the victim of a wrong has the standing to forgive. This paper challenges that assumption and argues for the possibility of meaningful second- and third-party forgiveness.
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  • An Ethic of Plurality: Reconciling Politics and Morality in Hannah Arendt.Alice MacLachlan - 2006 - History and Judgment: IWM JVF Conference Vol. 21.
    My concern in this paper is how to reconcile a central tension in Hannah Arendt’s thinking, one that – if left unresolved – may make us reluctant to endorse her political theory. Arendt was profoundly and painfully aware of the horrors of political evil; in fact, she is almost unparalleled in 20 th century thought in her concern for the consequences of mass political violence, the victims of political atrocities, and the most vulnerable in political society – the stateless, the (...)
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  • 6. The Moral Foundations of Truth Commissions.Dennis Thompson & Amy Gutmann - 2004 - In Amy Gutmann & Dennis F. Thompson, Why Deliberative Democracy? Princeton University Press. pp. 160-188.
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  • The Forgiveness We Speak: The Illocutionary Force of Forgiving.Glen Pettigrove - 2004 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 42 (3):371-392.
    What are we doing when we say "I forgive you"? This paper employs Austin's notion of illocutionary force to analyze three different kinds of acts in which we might engage when saying "I forgive you." We might use it (1) to disclose an emotional condition, (2) to declare a debt cancelled, or (3) to commit ourselves to a future course of action. I suggest that the forgiving utterances we seek possess qualities of both the first and the third types of (...)
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  • Essays in Understanding, 1930-1954.Hannah Arendt - 1994 - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt P.
    Jerome Kohn, Arendt's longtime assistant, has compiled, edited, and annotated her manuscripts for publication, beginning with some of her earliest published work and including essays on Augustine, Rilke, Kierkegaard, and figures of the nineteenth-century "Berlin Salon"; the loyalties of immigrant groups within the United States; the unification or "federation" of Europe; "the German problem"; religion, politics, and intellectual life; the dangers of isolation and careerism in American society; the logical consequences of "scientific" theories of Nature and History; the terror that (...)
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  • Forgiveness and Moral Solidarity.Alice MacLachlan - 2008 - In Stephen Bloch-Shulman & David White, Forgiveness: Probing the Boundaries. Inter-Disciplinary Press.
    The categorical denial of third-party forgiveness represents an overly individualistic approach to moral repair. Such an approach fails to acknowledge the important roles played by witnesses, bystanders, beneficiaries, and others who stand in solidarity to the primary victim and perpetrator. In this paper, I argue that the prerogative to forgive or withhold forgiveness is not universal, but neither is it restricted to victims alone. Not only can we make moral sense of some third-party acts and utterances of the form, “I (...)
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  • Moral Bystanders and the Virtue of Forgiveness.Linda Radzik - 2010 - In Christopher R. Allers & Marieke Smit, Forgiveness In Perspective. Rodopi Press. pp. 66--69.
    According to standard philosophical analyses, only victims can forgive. There are good reasons to reject this view. After all, people who are neither direct nor indirect victims of a wrong frequently feel moral anger over injustice. The choice to foreswear or overcome such moral anger is subject to most of the same sorts of considerations as victims’ choices to forgive. Furthermore, bystanders’ reactions to their experiences of moral anger often reflect either virtues or vices that are of a piece with (...)
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  • Looking Back Reaching Forward: Reflections on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa.Charles Villa-Vicencio, Wilhelm Verwoerd, Robert I. Rotberg & Dennis Thompson - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (2):189-196.
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  • Justice and reconciliation: after the violence.Andrew Rigby - 2001 - Boulder, Colo.: L. Rienner.
    Rigby (Center for the Study of Forgiveness and Reconciliation, Coventry U., England) investigates different approaches to "policing" the past, from mass purges ...
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  • Love and responsibility: A political ethic for Hannah Arendt.Garrath Williams - 1998 - Political Studies 46 (5):937-950.
    This paper argues that those critics of Hannah Arendt's thought who have protested at her disavowal of ‘moral standards’ as being appropriate in the judgment of political action have, in fact, misjudged the structure of her thought. My argument is, however, a constructive one: the paper seeks to demonstrate how Arendt arrives at her sweeping rejection of conventional standards of moral judgment, and what solution she proposes. I do this in three stages. First, I address Arendt's understanding of self as (...)
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  • Political Forgiveness.P. E. Digeser - 2001 - Political Theory 30 (6):865-867.
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  • Non-obligatory Forgiveness: Supererogatory or Impermissible?Rhonda Anderson - unknown
    Using the categories established by David Heyd's work on supererogation, this article explores the concept of forgiveness. Heyd's distinction between dutiful and supererogatory forms of forgiveness is questionable because he, in common with many other philosophers, views any act of forgiveness, whether stemming from duty or supererogatory forbearance, as morally admirable. Such a view can be supported only if one ignores the way in which forgiveness is sensitive to context. Not every act of forgiveness is permissible. In some situations, forgiveness (...)
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