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  1. Governmentality: Power and Rule in Modern Society.Mitchell Dean - 1999 - SAGE Publications.
    Lucid, timely and shrewd, this book makes a major contribution to understanding a concept that is belatedly being recognized as a core concept in the social sciences, governmentality. By looking at the work of Foucault, this book aims to reclaim governmentality as a central concept in sociology, asking what is governmentality and how are individuals and cultures organised in modern society? Dean seeks to learn from Foucault, but also draws on wider analytical frameworks and traditions to provide the first complete (...)
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  • Powers of Freedom: Reframing Political Thought.Nikolas Rose, Professor Nikolas Rose & Rose - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
    Powers of Freedom, first published in 1999, offers a compelling approach to the analysis of political power which extends Foucault's hypotheses on governmentality in challenging ways. Nikolas Rose sets out the key characteristics of this approach to political power and analyses the government of conduct. He analyses the role of expertise, the politics of numbers, technologies of economic management and the political uses of space. He illuminates the relation of this approach to contemporary theories of 'risk society' and 'the sociology (...)
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  • The Remainders of Race.Ash Amin - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (1):1-23.
    Prompted by the speed with which, in certain historical moments, the hard-won achievements of anti-racism can be comprehensively undone, this article reflects on the mechanisms that keep racial coding and judgement close to the surface, ready to spring into action. It reads the intensity of race in a given present in terms of the play between vernacular legacies of race-coded reception of visible difference and the conjunctural mobilizations of race by biopolitical regimes — state-regulated systems of governing populations — to (...)
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  • The Making and Molding of Child Abuse.Ian Hacking - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (2):253-288.
    Some evil actions are public. Maybe genocide is the most awful. Other evil actions are private, a matter of one person harming another or of self-inflicted injury. Child abuse, in our current reckoning, is the worst of private evils. We want to put a stop to it. We know we can’t do that, not entirely. Human wickedness won’t go away. But we must protect as many children as we can. We want also to discover and help those who have already (...)
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  • Imperilled Muslim Women, Dangerous Muslim Men and Civilised Europeans: Legal and Social Responses to Forced Marriages. [REVIEW]Sherene H. Razack - 2004 - Feminist Legal Studies 12 (2):129-174.
    How is it possible to acknowledge and confront patriarchal violence within Muslim migrant communities without descending into cultural deficit explanations (they are overly patriarchal and inherently uncivilised) and without inviting extraordinary measures of stigmatisation, surveillance and control so increased after the events of September 11, 2001? In this paper, I explore this question by examining Norway's responses to the issue of forced marriages. I argue that social and political responses to violence against women in Muslim communities have been primarily culturalist. (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Thought of the Outside: The Foucault/Deleuze Conjunction.Keith Robinson - 1999 - Philosophy Today 43 (1):57-72.
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  • Theorizing Borders.Chris Rumford - 2006 - European Journal of Social Theory 9 (2):155-169.
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  • Governmentality: critical encounters.William Walters - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction: the advance of governmentality -- Foucault, power, and governmentality: introduction; what is governmentality?; beyond the microphysics of power?; from theory of the state to genealogy of the state; history of the art of government; pastoral power; raison d'état; liberal governmentality; five propositions on foucault and governmentality -- Governmentality 3.4.7.: introduction; governmentality after Foucault; governmentality and the political sciences; some problems in governmentality -- Foucault effect redux? some notes on international governmentality studies: constellation; a few preliminary observations; problems and debates (...)
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  • Topologies of Power: Foucault's Analysis of Political Government beyond 'Governmentality'.Stephen J. Collier - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (6):78-108.
    The publication of Michel Foucault’s lectures at the Collège de France in the late 1970s has provided new insight into crucial developments in his late work, including the return to an analysis of the state and the introduction of biopolitics as a central theme. According to one dominant interpretation, these shifts did not entail a fundamental methodological break; the approach Foucault developed in his work on knowledge/power was simply applied to new objects. The present article argues that this reading — (...)
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  • Race and the Mobility of Humans as Things.Ricardo Roque - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (4):607-617.
    This article reflects on a significant dimension of the modern history of race in Europe and the world: the processes of mobility of humans as things that accompanied the scientific pursuit of the immutable racial condition of humans. It asks what it might mean to approach racial conceptions as historically embedded in, and shaped by, racial regimes of mobility, that is, the regimes encompassing the practices and apparatuses for the displacement of human bodies as “scientific things” of racial significance for (...)
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  • Introduction: Reflections on ‘The Remainders of Race’: Culture, Nature or a Political Economy of Race?Couze Venn - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (1):103-111.
    This introduction to this special section on race considers the case for the thesis advanced by Ash Amin in his article ‘The Remainders of Race’ that the conjuncture of vernacular and biopolitical racism has resulted in an upsurge in racism. It draws from three responses to that article by Abdou-Maliq Simone, Denise Ferreira da Silva and Ali Rattansi to problematize explanations for racism which appeal to ideas of human sorting instincts and other universalisms. It examines efforts to combat racism through (...)
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  • Topologies of Race: Doing territory, population and identity in Europe.David Skinner, Katharina Schramm & Amade M’Charek - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (4):468-487.
    Territorial borders just like other boundaries are involved in a politics of belonging, a politics of “us” and “them”. Border management regimes are thus part of processes of othering. In this article, we use the management of borders and populations in Europe as an empirical example to make a theoretical claim about race. We introduce the notion of the phenotypic other to argue that race is a topological object, an object that is spatially and temporally folded in distributed technologies of (...)
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  • Technologies of Belonging: The Absent Presence of Race in Europe.David Skinner, Katharina Schramm & Amade M’Charek - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (4):459-467.
    In many European countries, the explicit discussion of race as a biological phenomenon has long been avoided. This has not meant that race has become obsolete or irrelevant all together. Rather, it is a slippery object that keeps shifting and changing. To understand its slippery nature, we suggest that race in Europe is best viewed as an absent presence, something that oscillates between reality and nonreality, which appears on the surface and then hides underground. In this special issue, we explore (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Thought of the outside: the Foucault/deleuze conjunction.Keith Robinson - 1999 - Philosophy Today 43 (1):57-72.
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  • Borders, Risks, Exclusions.Benjamin Muller - 2009 - Studies in Social Justice 3 (1):67-78.
    In this paper the border is evaluated as a fold of power relations in which sovereign capacity and competence is marshaled in the furtherance of illiberal practices. Drawing from interview data of officials in various agencies engaged in the US-Canada and particularly the Windsor-Detroit corridor, the argument is made that the border is a site for both negative and positive power, for insertion and subtraction, and that surveillance and compliance regimes are ‘run’ not so much in the furtherance of a (...)
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