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  1. Handbook of Qualitative Research.N. Denzin & Y. Lincoln - 1994 - British Journal of Educational Studies 42 (4):409-410.
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  • Values of Farmers, Sustainability and Agricultural Policy.Ben Schoon & Rita Te Grotenhuis - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (1):17-27.
    This article describes the feasibility of researchinto the relation between values of farmers andsustainability for the Dutch Ministry of Agricultureand the Dutch Federation of Agricultural andHorticultural Organisations.Firstly, a theoretical framework describes differentlevels of motivation behind conduct and choices. Itenables exploration and analysis of individualinterviews with small groups of conventional andecological farmers. The aim is to find out what theirbasic convictions regarding nature and sustainabilityare, and to analyze the relation between theseconvictions and the actual choices they make in theirfarming practice. The (...)
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  • Converting or not converting to organic farming in Austria:Farmer types and their rationale.Ika Darnhofer, Walter Schneeberger & Bernhard Freyer - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (1):39-52.
    Reasons for converting to organic farming have been studied in a number of instances. However, the underlying rationale that motivates the behavior is not always made clear. This study aims to provide a detailed picture of farmers’ decision-making and illustrate the choice between organic and conventional farm management. Based on 21 interviews with farmers, a decision-tree highlighting the reasons and constraints involved in the decision of farmers to use, or not to use, organic production techniques was formulated. The accuracy of (...)
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  • From value to values: sustainable consumption at farmers markets. [REVIEW]Alison Hope Alkon - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (4):487-498.
    Advocates of environmental sustainability and social justice increasingly pursue their goals through the promotion of so-called “green” products such as locally grown organic produce. While many scholars support this strategy, others criticize it harshly, arguing that environmental degradation and social injustice are inherent results of capitalism and that positive social change must be achieved through collective action. This study draws upon 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork at two farmers markets located in demographically different parts of the San Francisco Bay Area (...)
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  • Experiences and perspectives of farmers from Upstate New York farmers' markets.Matthew R. Griffin & Edward A. Frongillo - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (2):189-203.
    Despite the growing popularityof farmers' markets (FMs) across the UnitedStates, the experiences and perspectives offarmers who sell at markets have received verylittle research attention. This study describesthe views of 18 farmers from Upstate New Yorkon the importance of FMs as part of theirlifestyle and livelihood, the challenges theyface selling at markets, and their conceptionsof ideal FMs. Through in-depth, semi-structuredinterviews, farmers expressed economic andsocial motivations for selling at FMs; socialbenefits from interacting with customers; andthe challenges they faced as small-scalefarmers and sellers, (...)
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  • A look from the inside: perspectives on the expansion of food assistance programs at Michigan farmers markets.Rebecca Mino, Kimberly Chung & Dru Montri - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (4):823-835.
    There has been a recent push to offer more food assistance programs at farmers markets. Yet, as more programs are developed for farmers markets, little input has been sought from those who are ultimately responsible for their implementation. This ethnographic study explores the experiences of farmers markets that have been early adopters of federal food assistance programs. Participant observation and in-depth interviews were used in six early-adopting markets to understand staff perspectives on the challenges and benefits of administering food assistance (...)
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  • The multi-dimensional nature of environmental attitudes among farmers in Indiana: implications for conservation adoption.Adam P. Reimer, Aaron W. Thompson & Linda S. Prokopy - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (1):29-40.
    Attempts to understand farmer conservation behavior based on quantitative socio-demographic, attitude, and awareness variables have been largely inconclusive. In order to understand fully how farmers are making conservation decisions, 32 in-depth interviews were conducted in the Eagle Creek watershed in central Indiana. Coding for environmental attitudes and practice adoption revealed several dominant themes, representing multi-dimensional aspects of environmental attitudes. Farmers who were motivated by off-farm environmental benefits and those who identified responsibilities to others (stewardship) were most likely to adopt conservation (...)
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  • The motives, benefits, and problems of conversion to organic production.John Cranfield, Spencer Henson & James Holliday - 2010 - Agriculture and Human Values 27 (3):291-306.
    Using data from a survey of certified organic or in-transition to organic vegetable and dairy producers in Canada, we seek to understand a farmer’s decision to convert to organic production by exploring the motives, problems and challenges, and benefits of transition to organic. Results suggest that health and safety concerns and environmental issues are the predominant motives for conversion, while economic motives are of lesser importance. In contrast to the extant literature, results suggest that the motives underlying transition have not (...)
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