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  1. The structures of the life-world.Alfred Schutz - 1973 - Evanston [Ill.]: Northwestern University Press. Edited by Thomas Luckmann.
    The Structures of the Life-World is the final focus of twenty-seven years of Alfred Schutz's labor, encompassing the fruits of his work between 1932 and his death in 1959. This book represents Schutz's seminal attempt to achieve a comprehensive grasp of the nature of social reality. Here he integrates his theory of relevance with his analysis of social structures. Thomas Luckmann, a former student of Schutz's, completed the manuscript for publication after Schutz's untimely death.
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  • Cartesianische Meditationen Und Pariser Vorträge.Edmund Husserl & Stephan Strasser - 1991 - Springer. Edited by Stephan Strasser.
    Le 27 avril 1938, Edmund HUSSERL, l'initiateur et principal representant du courant phenomenologique dans la philosophie contemporaine, mourut a Fribourg en Brisgau, age de pres de quatre-vingts ans. Depuis la parution de ses Logische Untersuchungen en 190~ 1901, le monde philosophique international avait suivi, avec UD interet toujours croissant, les exposes successifs et de plus en plus approfondis, que le maUre fribourgeois publiait sur les prin~ cipes de sa methode, dite pMnomenologique, sur les applications concretes de celle-ci aux problemes philosophiques (...)
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  • The appeal to tacit knowledge in psychological explanation.Jerry A. Fodor - 1968 - Journal of Philosophy 65 (October):627-40.
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  • (1 other version)Throwing like a girl: A phenomenology of feminine body comportment motility and spatiality.Iris Marion Young - 1980 - Human Studies 3 (1):137 - 156.
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  • Explaining Actions with Habits.Bill Pollard - 2006 - American Philosophical Quarterly 43 (1):57 - 69.
    From time to time we explain what people do by referring to their habits. We explain somebody’s putting the kettle on in the morning as done through “force of habit”. We explain somebody’s missing a turning by saying that she carried straight on “out of habit”. And we explain somebody’s biting her nails as a manifestation of “a bad habit”. These are all examples of what will be referred to here as habit explanations. Roughly speaking, they explain by referring to (...)
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  • (1 other version)Throwing like a girl: a phenomenology of feminine body comportment, motility, and spatiality.Iris Marion Young - 2013 - In Jason Holt (ed.), Philosophy of Sport: Core Readings. Peterborough, Ontario, Canada: Broadview Press.
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  • Unconscious consciousness in Husserl and Freud.Rudolf Bernet - 2002 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1 (3):327-351.
    A clarification of Husserl's changing conceptions of imaginary consciousness ( phantasy ) and memory, especially at the level of auto-affective time-consciousness, suggests an interpretation of Freud's concept of the Unconscious. Phenomenology of consciousness can show how it is possible that consciousness can bring to present appearance something unconscious, that is, something foreign or absent to consciousness, without incorporating it into or subordinating it to the conscious present. This phenomenological analysis of Freud's concept of the Unconscious leads to a partial critique (...)
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  • Grasping at straws: Motor intentionality and the cognitive science of skillful action.Sean D. Kelly - 2000 - In Essays in Honor of Hubert Dreyfus, Vol. II. MIT Press.
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  • The ghost of embodiment: On bodily habitudes and schemata.Edward Casey - 1998 - In Donn Welton (ed.), Body and Flesh: A Philosophical Reader. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  • Husserl's Type and Kant's Schemata: Systematic Reasons for Their Correlation or Identity.Dieter Lohmar - 2003 - In Donn Welton (ed.), The New Husserl: A Critical Reader. Indiana University Press.
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