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  1. The Sociocultural and Food Security Impacts of Genetic Pollution via Transgenic Crops of Traditional Varieties in Latin American Centers of Peasant Agriculture.Miguel A. Altieri - 2003 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 23 (5):350-359.
    The introduction of transgenic crops into centers of diversity or areas dominated by traditional agriculture threatens genetic diversity as well as indigenous knowledge and culture. It is further argued that the impacts go beyond genetic changes in heterogeneous native crop varieties to embrace effects on evolutionary processes such as gene flow between native crops and wild relatives, and erosion of local knowledge systems such as folk taxonomies and selection of varieties that thrive in marginal environments in which resourcepoor farmers live.
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  • Genetically Engineered Crops: Separating the Myths From the Reality.Miguel A. Altieri - 2001 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 21 (2):130-147.
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  • Putting precaution to debate – about the precautionary principle and participatory technology assessment.Barbara Skorupinski - 2002 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (1):87-102.
    Technology assessment (TA) as aninstitution was introduced nearly thirty yearsago as an instrument to render possible themaking of responsible decisions concerning newtechnological options. Another recentdevelopment however has been the introductionof participatory technology assessment (pTA),mainly connected to the growing insight thatthe evaluation of technological options withrespect to their risks and benefits, is not –only – a scientific question. This paper willfocus on the questions, to what degree theideas of technology assessment and thePrecautionary Principle are connected and how.Without naming it explicitly, the (...)
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  • Science and the consequences of mistruct: Lessons from recent GM controversies. [REVIEW]Dane Scott - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (6):569-582.
    In 2001, it was announced thattransgenic DNA had introgressed intotraditional strains of maize in Mexico. Acontroversy erupted and raged throughout 2001and 2002. This episode represents an acutebreakdown in scientific discourse. Given thestakes in the genetically modified organismdebate, a breakdown in scientific discourse isalarming. The following inquiry looks into thecauses of this breakdown. Ultimately, it willbe argued that the underlying problem is thecurrent institutional structure of science,particularly in the United States. If thediagnosis is correct, then the proper course oftreatment is to (...)
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  • Sustainable development and norwegian genetic engineering regulations: Applications, impacts, and challenges. [REVIEW]Anne Ingeborg Myhr & Terje Traavik - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (4):317-335.
    The main purpose of The NorwegianGene Technology Act (1993) is to enforcecontainment of genetically modified organisms(GMOs) and control of GMO releases.Furthermore, the Act intends to ensure that``production and use of GMOs should take placein an ethically and socially justifiable way,in accordance with the principle of sustainabledevelopment and without detrimental effects tohealth and the environment.'' Hence it isobvious that, for the Norwegian authorities,sustainable development is a normativeguideline when evaluating acceptableconsequences of GMO use and production. Inaccordance with this, we have investigated theextent (...)
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  • Genetically modified (GM) crops: Precautionary science and conflicts of interests. [REVIEW]Anne Ingeborg Myhr & Terje Traavik - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (3):227-247.
    Risk governance of GM plants and GMfood products is presently subject to heatedscientific and public controversies. Scientistsand representatives of the biotechnologyindustry have dominated debates concerningsafety issues. The public is suspicious withregard to the motives of scientists, companies,and political institutions involved. Thedilemmas posed are nested, embracing valuequestions, scientific uncertainty, andcontextual issues. The obvious lack of data andinsufficient information concerning ecologicaleffects call for application of thePrecautionary Principle (PP). There are,however, divergent opinions among scientistsabout the relevance of putative hazards,definition of potential ``adverse effects,'' (...)
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  • (1 other version)The scientists think and the public feels : expert perceptions of the discourse of GM food.Guy Cook, Elisa Pieri & Peter T. Robbins - 2004 - .
    Debates about new technologies, such as crop and food genetic modification, raise pressing questions about the ways ‘experts’ and ‘ nonexperts’ communicate. These debates are dynamic, characterized by many voices contesting numerous storylines. The discoursal features, including language choices and communication strategies, of the GM debate are in some ways taken for granted and in others actively manipulated by participants. Although there are many voices, some have more influence than others. This study makes use of 50 hours of in-depth interviews (...)
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