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  1. Essential relativity.Wolfgang Rindler - 1969 - New York,: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co..
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  • The Special Theory of Relativity.David Bohm - 1965 - New York,: Routledge.
    Based on his famous final year undergraduate lectures on theoretical physics at Birkbeck College, Bohm presents the theory of relativity as a unified whole, making clear the reasons which led to its adoption and explaining its basic meaning. With clarity and grace, he also reveals the limited truth of some of the "common sense" assumptions which make it difficult for us to appreciate its full implications. With a new foreword by Basil Hiley, a close colleague of David Bohm's, _The Special (...)
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  • Relativity and common sense.Hermann Bondi - 1964 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor books.
    Radically reoriented presentation of Einstein's Special Theory and one of most valuable popular accounts available derives relativity from Newtonian ideas, ...
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  • How to recover causality in special relativity for tachyons.Erasmo Recami - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (5-6):329-340.
    In this paper we explain why and how tachyons do not imply any causality violation within relativistic theories. Particular emphasis is given to the role of the Stückelberg-Feynman reinterpretation principle, both in ordinary physics and in tachyon physics.
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  • Comments on “Farewell to tachyons?”.G. D. Maccarrone & E. Recami - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (11-12):949-957.
    We comment on the previous paper by L. Basano. In particular, we show that its Section 2 is kinematically incorrect (the dynamics of a two-body interaction through tachyon exchange, incidentally, has already been thoroughly expounded in one paper of ours). Its Section 1 is simply a rather subjective introduction. As to its Section 3, containing indeed interesting problems, we again briefly refer to our earlier work. Our conclusions are still in favor of “au revoir to tachyons!,” even if it is (...)
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  • Antiparticles from special Relativity with ortho-chronous and antichronous Lorentz transformations.Erasmo Recami & Waldyr A. Rodrigues - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (7):709-718.
    Special Relativity can be based on the whole proper group of both ortho- and antichronous Lorentz transformations, and a clear physical meaning can be given also to antichronous (i.e., nonorthochronous) Lorentz transformations. From the active point of view, the latter requires existence, for any particle, of its antiparticle within a purely relativistic, classical context. From the passive point of view, they give rise to frames “dual” to the ordinary ones, whose properties—here briefly discussed—are linked with the fact that in relativity (...)
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  • Tachyons via supersonics.T. S. Shankara - 1974 - Foundations of Physics 4 (1):97-104.
    An apparent inadequacy of the velocity addition theorem in handling a Fizeau (like) experiment beyond the resonance frequence is shown not to be a true failing. The proof consists in showing that the invariance of the signal velocity is unrelated to its maximality. Next, Lorentz transformations which connect frames moving with supersignal velocity to those of subsignal velocity are derived, taking a cue from the acoustic case. Methods are also suggested for laboratory verification of the theory.
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  • Complex energies in relativistic quantum theory.James D. Edmonds - 1974 - Foundations of Physics 4 (4):473-479.
    A new four-component spin-1/2 wave equation for ordinary mass is discussed. It is shown that this equation has a conserved current not easily identified with a transition probability, only pure imaginary energy states, and is covariant. A tachyon-like Klein-Gordon equation is satisfied by this equation, but rest states are explicitly constructed.
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  • The introduction of Superluminal Lorentz transformations: A revisitation. [REVIEW]G. D. Maccarrone & Erasmo Recami - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (5):367-407.
    We revisit the introduction of the Superluminal Lorentz transformations which carry from “bradyonic” inertial frames to “tachyonic” inertial frames, i.e., which transform time-like objects into space-like objects, andvice versa. It has long been known that special relativity can be extended to Superluminal observers only by increasing the number of dimensions of the space-time or—which is in a sense equivalent—by releasing the reality condition (i.e., introducing also imaginary quantities). In the past we always adopted the latter procedure. Here we show the (...)
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