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  1. Les cinq sens.Michel Serres - 1998 - Hachette.
    Le nouveau corps confie au sport son souffle, son coeur, la sueur, courbatures et fatigue, ne travaille presque plus de force mais sur des codes; hygiéniques, hydraté, sanitaire et aseptique, rectifié par les remèdes et la prédiction médicale, il repousse la mort de trente ans et l'antique souffrance quasi définitivement; diététique, grignotant des calories du bout des dents, il absorbe ce que ses pères n'auraient pas reconnu pour nourriture ni pour breuvage, avachi devant les représentations; nu et libre sur les (...)
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  • Musique.Michel Serres - 2011 - Paris: Pommier.
    « D’où jaillit la Musique? Des bruits du monde? Des clameurs issues des assemblées? De nos émotions? Et comment la définir? Rien de plus difficile que de répondre à ces questions. J’ai préféré dire ce qu’elle est en trois contes. Légendaire, le premier suit la vie d’Orphée, son initiation auprès des Bacchantes et des Muses, puis sa plongée dans les Enfers à la recherche d’Eurydice, son amante. Comment aimer en Musique? Autobiographique, le second envahit le Grand Récit de la connaissance (...)
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  • Michel Serres: Figures of Thought.Christopher Watkin - 2020 - Edinburgh: Eup.
    Michel Serres is a major twentieth-century thinker who has made decisive contributions to major debates across disciplines ranging from the history of science to literary studies and philosophy. This is the first monograph to offer a comprehensive assessment of Serres’ thought from his early work on Leibniz to his final publications in 2019. The first three chapters carefully explore Serres’ ‘global intuition’, how he understands and engages with the world, and his characteristic ‘figures of thought’, the repeated intellectual moves that (...)
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  • Posthuman Glossary.Rosi Braidotti & Maria Hlavajova (eds.) - 2018 - London: Bloomsbury.
    If art, science, and the humanities have shared one thing, it was their common engagement with constructions and representations of the human. Under the pressure of new contemporary concerns, however, we are experiencing a “posthuman condition”; the combination of new developments-such as the neoliberal economics of global capitalism, migration, technological advances, environmental destruction on a mass scale, the perpetual war on terror and extensive security systems- with a troublesome reiteration of old, unresolved problems that mean the concept of the human (...)
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  • Michel Serres and the crisis of the contemporary.Rick Dolphijn (ed.) - 2017 - Bloomsbury.
    Michel Serres captures the urgencies of our time; from the digital revolution to the ecological crisis to the future of the university, the crises that code the world today are addressed in an accessible, affirmative and remarkably original analysis in his thought. This volume is the first to engage with the philosophy of Michel Serres, not by writing 'about' it, but by writing 'with' it. This is done by expanding upon the urgent themes that Serres works on; by furthering his (...)
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  • Il tramonto dell'uomo. La prospettiva post-umanista.R. Marchesini - 2010 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 87 (1):145.
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