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Discussion: what is a stance?Paul Teller - 2004 - Philosophical Studies 121 (2):159-170.details
Popper’s Critical Rationalism: A Philosophical Investigation.Darrell P. Rowbottom - 2010 - New York: Routledge.details
Reflections on my critics In I. LAKATOS & A. MUSGROVE, Eds.T. Kuhn - 1970 - In Imre Lakatos & Alan Musgrave (eds.), Criticism and the growth of knowledge. Cambridge [Eng.]: Cambridge University Press. pp. 231--278.details
Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky & Nathan Rosen - 1935 - Physical Review (47):777-780.details
Quantum Mechanics: Historical Contingency and the Copenhagen Hegemony.James T. Cushing - 1994 - University of Chicago Press.details
Kuhn versus Popper on Science Education: A Response to Richard Bailey.Darrell Patrick Rowbottom - unknowndetails
A Function for Thought Experiments.T. Kuhn - 1981 - In David Zaret (ed.), Review of Thomas S. Kuhn The Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change. Duke University Press. pp. 240-265.details
The rationality of metaphysics.E. J. Lowe - 2011 - Synthese 178 (1):99-109.details
(1 other version)Against method.Paul Feyerabend - 1988 - London: New Left Books.details
Reconstructing Scientific Revolutions: Thomas S. Kuhn’s Philosophy of Science.Paul Hoyningen-Huene - 1993 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.details
(6 other versions)The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.Thomas S. Kuhn - 1962 - Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Ian Hacking.details
(1 other version)Replies to discussion on the Empirical Stance.Bas C. van Fraassen - 2004 - Philosophical Studies 121 (2):171-192.details
Thomas Kuhn.Alexander Bird - 2000 - Routledge.details
Review of Thomas S. Kuhn The Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change. [REVIEW]David Zaret - 1981 - Philosophical Review 90 (1):146.details
The aim and structure of physical theory.Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem - 1954 - Princeton,: Princeton University Press.details
Intersubjective corroboration.Darrell Patrick Rowbottom - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (1):124-132.details
The empirical stance vs. the critical attitude.Darrell Patrick Rowbottom - 2005 - South African Journal of Philosophy 24 (3):200-223.details
How to change it: modes of engagement, rationality, and stance voluntarism.Darrell Patrick Rowbottom & Otávio Bueno - 2011 - Synthese 178 (1):7-17.details
Discussion [on Second Thoughts on Paradigms, and other papers of the conference].T. S. Kuhn - 1974 - In Frederick Suppe (ed.), The Structure of scientific theories. Urbana,: University of Illinois Press.details
(2 other versions)Thomas Kuhn.Alexander Bird - 2014 - In Edward N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: The Metaphysics Research Lab.details
(1 other version)On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox.J. S. Bell - 2004 - In John Stewart Bell (ed.), Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanics: collected papers on quantum philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 14--21.details
Précis of The Empirical Stance.Bas C. Van Fraassen - 2004 - Philosophical Studies 121 (2):127 - 132.details
Empiricism, stances, and the problem of voluntarism.Peter Baumann - 2011 - Synthese 178 (1):27-36.details
Learning to live with voluntarism.Paul Teller - 2011 - Synthese 178 (1):49-66.details
A Response to My Critics.Thomas S. Kuhn - 1970 - In Imre Lakatos & Alan Musgrave (eds.), Criticism and the growth of knowledge. Cambridge [Eng.]: Cambridge University Press.details